Legit COD4 copy not working online

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Hey guys, I bot the COD 4 from KMD more than a year back, and I installed at that time, and played online, now after a long time, I have shifted configs since then, but still had the game installed, so I launch it today and enter the key, when I try to join a server it says 'Key code in use' , can anyone help me resolve this issue?? TIA

The support site of activision has nothing on Key code issue, all they say its ur responsibility to keep the key code safe!
Another example of a real paying customer getting bitten by evil DRM while the pirates enjoy as usual... :(
Jasku said:
The support site of activision has nothing on Key code issue, all they say its ur responsibility to keep the key code safe!

Have you told them you changed your config? Maybe they have limited the game for only one system. If a user changes the system, he might have to send a mail so that they can take of things accordingly on their records.
The Sorcerer said:
Have you told them you changed your config? Maybe they have limited the game for only one system. If a user changes the system, he might have to send a mail so that they can take of things accordingly on their records.
I have used my key on multiple systems, faced no such issues. Its more like a bug thng, it just happens sumtimes. Another such msg that can sumtimes crop is "awaiting key code authorization" n then timing out:@...... used to happen quite frequently when i started playing....havnt seen em in a while...touchwood:tongue:
mithun said:
Its quite common afaik, evry cod4 player has seen this msg numerous times. Most often , a modem reboot solves it.

yup mithun ur right, had to do it a couple of times and it worked. thanks a ton.

vishalrao said:
Another example of a real paying customer getting bitten by evil DRM while the pirates enjoy as usual... :(

yes i felt exactly the same at that point, it is really frustrating!

The Sorcerer said:
Have you told them you changed your config? Maybe they have limited the game for only one system. If a user changes the system, he might have to send a mail so that they can take of things accordingly on their records.

mithun said:
I have used my key on multiple systems, faced no such issues. Its more like a bug thng, it just happens sumtimes. Another such msg that can sumtimes crop is "awaiting key code authorization" n then timing out:@...... used to happen quite frequently when i started playing....havnt seen em in a while...touchwood:tongue:

yup right again, did hit that error, today, but goes away after a few tries! Also mithun have u noticed, sometimes when u refresh all the servers dont show up, for example at the first time of game launch it showed all the internode servers, then I join one, and come back and refresh, it wont show the internode servers, untill I do it 2-3 times, crazy!!

But thanks guys, its fine now! All help greatly appreciated!
Jasku said:
Also mithun have u noticed, sometimes when u refresh all the servers dont show up, for example at the first time of game launch it showed all the internode servers, then I join one, and come back and refresh, it wont show the internode servers, untill I do it 2-3 times, crazy!!

But thanks guys, its fine now! All help greatly appreciated!

well, i rarely use the ingame server search...infact havent used it for mnths now....i join directly thru xfire.
vishalrao said:
Another example of a real paying customer getting bitten by evil DRM while the pirates enjoy as usual... :(

i hate drm as much as the next guy but i would hardly call a cd key authentication check for multiplayer 'evil drm'.
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