This is why I'm letting the peripheral stuff slide. Small fry
Why let it slide? It's still not right if it's a proven lie.
No because then the import duty would be on the finished product and we would be paying much more. Flashed or not won't make a difference. Either you build it from scratch in this country or pay the duty assigned to whatever product.
I don't think our govt has idea about 'what building a phone from scratch' means. For all practical purposes, using Indian screws alone entities the product to be called made in India.
Around 2020, govt mandated to put 'made in' label on eCommerce sites. My ecom business took exit just before that. Today, all Chinese product are listed under made in India label on all eCommerce website. What is govt doing about it? Nothing!
If I were in the business I would be doing the same as it's a standard now. Forget about small time traders. Big giants, who get bollywood celebrity to market their products, publically listed companies are also doing the same thing. Rebranding Chinese products as made India.
Yes, people are indeed gullible. Govt isn't bothered to do anything about it except to cash-in on the patriotism. Result? What I just described above has become defacto way of conducting business in India.
Industry in India is a house is cards. The brand we call ours, have become more and more reliant on China. Forget about putting restrictions on Chinese imports, if China stops exporting its goods to India, economy will come crumbing down.
The disincentive of import duty is to encourage companies to build in India. Import the parts which would have minimal duty. Assemble creates jobs and infrastructure. Now the finished product built in India costs less than if imported from anywhere in Asia. The biggest savings for the company or profits to be had will be from high value products like phones. And less from peripherals where there is less incentive to build here.
It happened around 2000s. We lacked high end manufacturing industry. We already had high tarrifs on CBU. In order to increase industries, Govt thought it was a good starting point, if they reduce the tarrifs on parts and let foreign brands assemble them India. Govt thought industry would start manufacturing products locally as time goes on.
What's changed after 30 years? We have crap ton of industry that has stuck with that starting point. Turn CKD into CBU.