Linux Leo marks the arrival of Fedora 11

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Dark Star


After a two-week delay, the Fedora Project team finally announced, two minutes ago, the release of Fedora 11, also known as Leonidas. The multitude of new features and improvements in this new version made the waiting time seem even longer, especially for dedicated fans. Well, at least the buzz from Ubuntu and Mandriva is slowly fading away, so Linux users can concentrate better on Fedora 11.


Fedora known to be bleeding edge brings in some killer features and numbers with it.. Here are the main features in Fedora 11:
  • 20 seconds boot time
  • Default Ext4 Install
  • New artwork and improved plymouth
  • KDE 4.2.2
  • Gnome 2.26.1
  • XFCE 4.6.1
  • Automated Fonts/Mime installer
  • Fingerprint reader
  • Nouveau replaced nv as opensource driver for nvidia based cards
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.5 Beta
  • Thunderbird 3 Beta

Release Notes : Release Notes
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Fedora 11 is an excellent release. I think I will install it (GNOME version) until Kubuntu 9.10 alpha/beta becomes stable enough to install :D
I don't think you'd be satisfied with the DVD either.

AFAIF, there are nothing but Ubuntu and Mandriva fanbois(prejudged trolls) in this forum.
qneb said:
I don't think you'd be satisfied with the DVD either.

AFAIF, there are nothing but Ubuntu and Mandriva fanbois(prejudged trolls) in this forum.

Hah, its like the kettle calling the pot black (or the other way around), Fedora fanboi :D

@DS: There was an announcement about RPMFusion repos (free and non-free) for Fedora 11 being available for some goodies...

Plus IIRC for last time (F10) there was a custom unofficial spin (called Oxygen I think) which was Fedora but with all the "non-free" extras as part of the CD... not sure if they will launch something similar again...
^^Not repos sir .. .The bundled s.w on live cd is too less and I would never install them.. Openoffice missing and host of other useful tools..

So I would be using DVD for now .. Ijust pray plymouth works :D

@qneb : Chill Fedora faboi :P I never said the distro was bad , its just the package selection is too niche for me to use the lIve cd :P
LMAO what a silly little *buntu troll you are, how about posting an actual review.

Review-Fedora_11_page1 -


As I mentioned at the beginning of this review, unless something is spectacular in one way or another I don't even bother to write a review. That said, Fedora 11 may have created a new category just beyond spectacular. Why do I give such praise:

1) many features in Fedora 11 are not present in any other distributions at this time. Although there are a great many I haven't mentioned in this brief review such as DeviceKit, iBus, K12Linux, DRI2, Nouvea, Radeon3DUpdate, etc., they are no less impressive and are bound to make huge differences in the Linux and Open Source development communities. Look forward to many of these excellent advancements being absorbed by the Linux distribution of your choice.

2) fully adapting Presto by itself puts Fedora 11 ahead of everyone else if you don't have a broadband Internet connection, or of you pay according to bandwidth usage.

3) stability - I have never seen a Fedora release that is this stable and trouble free. From start to finish, not once did I have a single crash of any kind.

4)easy, easy, easy....did I mention it's easy to use? Fedora has a history of being a release that you need to get down and dirty with in the terminal window in order to use it. As you can see from reading this review, I NEVER had to open a terminal window. Sure, using the command line would have made things go a little quicker, but I was wondering just how "user-friendly" this release would be.

Please don't waste your energy in all this FUD, do something worthwhile with your *buntu. (or whatever..)
Dark Star said:
^^Not repos sir .. .The bundled s.w on live cd is too less and I would never install them.. Openoffice missing and host of other useful tools..

So I would be using DVD for now .. Ijust pray plymouth works :D

@qneb : Chill Fedora faboi :P I never said the distro was bad , its just the package selection is too niche for me to use the lIve cd :P
agree ... dvd is better bet ... live cd falls short on these grounds !! :P
but still i love linux and fedora 11 :D
Installed this on my rig.. but still that damn DSL config is giving me a lot of problems.. DVD rocks though.. its rock solid.. could anyone please tell me how can i get the realtime preview of the tail -f /var/log/messages command?
I love Fedora but there are a few bugs with Leo. I installed it but there was no sound on my laptop. I troubleshooted on the forums and a lot of people said it was a PulseAudio issue, which is unlikely because Ubuntu also uses PA and it works fine on Ubuntu.

Someone reported it on Bugzilla and came out with a patch, but I have no idea how to implement it.

It will be part of Fed12, but I don't like how getting your sound to work is such a massive pain in the backside
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