Let's start a dc++ hub for Lokhandwala.


There seems to be no hub for 7 star cable net users at Lokhandwala. So, I was wondering if any resident from Lokhandwala is reading this then please let me know so that we can set up a hub for ourselves :clap: . Considering the fact that nowadays even the public hubs are not available anymore.
Dude trust me had tried this with my cousin earlier on as well but no luck.The f*cking ports remain blocked.7 start apparently disables most of the P2P forwarding ports as well as the Lan sharing systems.Using DC++ will only yield net download speeds and not their true colors.
^Have you tried connecting to his Hub? If you are able to do so then please let me know.Try logging on to his ip and then see if you can get blazing fast speeds.
lan anyone plz guide me how to start the lan server on my net i am having tata indicom internet....when i search via limewire i do get few connction but i want to start a hub via dc++...can anyone plz systematically tell me how to do it...i stay in 1st cross lane lokhandwala...i have tried using nassi software but...... problem is only few mesages go when i send them pm...otherwise it fails..yet received no replyy...plzz help me out friends...but now even nassi is not showing any users...secondly when i connect via limewire to user displaying ip add i get speeds upto 700kbps...someone plzz help....kokhandwala people wake up.......appareantly 7 star is now tata indicom
^Is that so? Since when? I mean I still have my cousin out there who is a 7 star cablenet subscriber till date & had recieved no such news that it has turned TATA Indicom connection.What's your LAN IP range? my cousin also stays in the first cross lane.We tried connecting to DC++ lan a while back but used to get net download speed which were pathetic enough.Tell me if you are still interested in starting one & I'll tell my bro to be back online.Do let me know you TCP/IP range before you jump on the DC++ bandwagon? Also is your LAN connection achieved through a switch in the society or the regular MTNL style ADSL connection?
Nope that IP range is not with 7 star.So you won't be able to get LAN download speeds.It's better you start your own Hub & invite some people from within your locality to join.If you want I'll give you the procedure later on.Been a while since I made a guide for it.
Alrighty here's a simplest guide to get your Hub started.I don't know in-depth knowledge about customising the hub patterns but will just let you know as to make a basic start up for you Hub & allow people to connect to it.The rest I suppose you can fiddle around & try out new stuff on your own.:eek:hyeah:

Let's get started shall we?

First you'll need the Hub server software.The best & the easiest one would be PtokaX which can be downloaded from
PtokaX download

Next you'll need a client software like say Odc which is the best as it eliminates the stupid problem of hashing which we see in traditional DC++ when you share files :mad:.You can download it from
Opera's DC++ (oDC) 5.31 Free Download - Softpedia

Now we have both the essential softwares.

We'll first start by creating the server via PtokaX.

1.)Click on Ptokax.exe icon & get it started.

2.)In the photo that I have attached just Type in the Hub's Name (Any name you like) & the IP address which means your IP address.You can find it in TCP/IP properties of you Network connections.Please make sure you enter only your IP address in that section which I have highlighted.

3.)Next click on the Rules tab & set the amount of minimum & maximum share size that you want to set for you Hub.IMO when you start with a Hub keep a minimum share size of 2GB or 5GB so that many users can connect to it.As & when the hub begins to get popular increase the share size.After that just select the minimum upload slots(4 at the minimum) but don't set any limit for max limit.These upload slots means that how many people can simultaenously upload from you at a given time.If all the slots are occupied then the next person will have to wait until the download had been completed.Check the screenshots for more help.

After all this is done.Come back to the Network Tab on top & click on 'Start Hub' icon which is listed below which will get your server started.Don't close the hub rather minimize it.

4.)Well now we have set up the server.Atleast the most crucial parts of it.You could check the other tabs & insert new messages & other hub options later on.

5.)Now we come to the client part which is Odc.Install & start up ODC.

6.)It will automatically pop up with the options screen.If it does not click on Ctrl+E.You'll see this sreen.Select your nick name.And any description of yourself.Don't touch any other settings.

7.)Next click on the Downloads tab as shown in the pic.Select your default download directory & unfinished download directory.

8.)Now the most important part.Sharing which is the most essential part of the Hub being created.Check on the pic.Click on the Sharing tab & click on Add folder below (Also check the share hidden files tab).Now select & whole drive or folder which you want to share.Share the maximum amount you have as it will help keep the hub alive.Next select the upload slots amount which we talked about earlier.Check in the pic as to spot where it lies.Just set it to anything above 4.Also make sure you inform other members who will join the hub to set the upload slots as well as they will not be able to connect until they set the upload slots.Click on OK to save the settings.

9.)Now check the next 2 pics to see where to connect.Click on the Public hubs tab on top as shown in the pic & after that check on the next pic & you can see a tab called Mannual connect.This is the place where you have to enter your IP address again(the same one which you had put into the PtokaX IP address section) & hit enter.

10.)Voilla & you are connected to your own hub.You'll see your name below Ptokax which indicates that you are connected.

11.)Now all you have to do is to invite people to your hub with the same ip range as yours.They will just need to download Odc & put in your IP address in Mannual connect tab to connect to you Hub.After that just double click on the name of the new member & see his/her shared list.Right click on the file & click on download.

12.)One more thing make sure that your ethernet connection is made at atleast 100MBPS.If made at 10MBPS then your download speeds will be capped at 1Mbps speeds in the LAN.

Well hope this helped.Just try it & let me know if it worked or not.Also make sure you have anyone of your friends invited at the same time to test the hub speed.If successful then you both should have speeds ranging from 8-10Mbps which is something else in itself.Enjoy!!!!! :cool2:
great thanks a lot for setting my new hub....its called "the millionaire group" yeah i started my hub....my hub ip i have made is the problem is i know one ip but the problem is cant contact him to join the hub....when i go and put his ip in dc++ it shows coonmceted but i am not able to contact him....also via limewire i can download from him at speeds of 600-700kbps but when i try to put chat with host it says error noted on limewire....do tell me how do i proceed
I'm not so sure as to which IP you are refering to but if you could ask may be a couple of people in your apartment itself who use TATA Indicom service to connect to you then you could get it started much faster.Please make double & triple sure that you are not connected via any kind of Modem in your house for TATA Indicom internet service.As all I know is that these telecom providers have the ADSL based lines.Which means you will connect through the telephone line provided to you by them.Make sure that's not the case with you.If it is then you won't,I repeat,you won't get LAN transfer speeds.

Alternatively to check if you are physically connected to that particular IP you mentioned then you can ping it & see if you get any reply.Here's to to go about it:
Click On start---->Run -----> type in ping 10.100.xx.xxx i.e the IP address of the person.

If it says unreachable then you are not connected physically to this person.If a reply does come then you both are physically connected by a common lan cable or via a switch.