Lian-li armorsuit pc-p80 in da house + mx 5021


@OP, congrats :hap2:! I have 2 P80s in the house (one's still packed) as both of us friends are tight on funds for a new rig to fit in the cabby. But I'm still keeping mine on my table in all it's naked glory :p. Without a rig as of now as my wife's taken my rig wholesale including the crappy Thermaltake.

I suggest you get the fantastic tool less PCI bracket holder from the K62s (dunno if they're used in the other towers). I tried fitting one from my friend's K62 and it fits perfectly. I've already ordered 2 from PhOeNix. Also getting front hot swap bays + replacement USB 3 front IO panels.

Btw, both P80s had come with the transparent panels slightly cracked. Thanks to PhOeNix and Lian Li's service, I have 2 brand new replacement panels packed and ready here for the day me and my friend start building our rigs :)!
Congrats...But I don't think you should keep the 2 speakers so close also the P80 seems like a cabby to be kept low and not this high up, the table looks fragile.