Life Lesson from Others Perspective


Let’s Begin:

"I’ll start by sharing some of the lessons I’ve learned in life. These are from my personal experiences, and I hope they resonate with you. Feel free to share your own lessons—there are no restrictions here!

1. Understand, Don’t Just Study
The schooling system and degree education often focus on marks, but the real value lies in understanding what you study and continuously learning new skills. Degrees alone don’t guarantee success.

2. Mental Health Comes First
Prioritize your mental health above everything. Without it, nothing else truly matters.

3. Stop Worrying About What People Say
What others think or say about you shouldn’t dictate your life. Focus on your own journey and happiness.

4. Healing Through Relationships
Sometimes, life’s challenges are best resolved through meaningful conversations and time with your life partner, children, or loved ones.

5. Parents Are the Foundation
Your parents are the most important people in your life. Cherish and respect them.

6. Save, No Matter What
Always make saving money a habit, no matter how small the amount. It will secure your future.

7. Diversify Your Income
Never rely on just one business or source of income. Having multiple streams of income is key to financial stability.

Now, it’s your turn!
What lessons have you learned in life? There’s no right or wrong answer—share freely and let’s inspire each other.

I will definitely add more if someone adds a few from their side.
Thank you!
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Much less of a lesson and more like advice:

I've never needed to manage time after my schooling years. University was four hours a day, life after that was basically an extended vacation. I learned very late that time management is very important. So I got a simple time tracker app (clockify) and it's helped me manage my various projects far more efficiently (I stop working on something after I reach the 4 hour mark in a day and go do something else):

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When we're young, we are instructed to focus on our goals and to strive hard to achieve them. That has never worked for me. I could never align myself to focus on a single point in the future.

Instead, focusing on the moment, enjoying the process, accepting that it is a process, that's made life far more productive for me. I'm able to do things that I've never done before in my life when I don't stress about getting them done and instead take everything as a process.

For example, the other day, I changed out the starter motor for our twenty-five year old maruti. It took an hour and I basically had to bear hug the engine to get my hands to where the fasteners were, but since I didn't have a deadline or an immediate need to go somewhere with the car, I was able to pace myself and work step by step.

Old engine, new starter:


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Reg. Point 1. Those who are studying in schools, +2, etc. should know the mathematical / science formulas by-heart.
If one can't remember those automatically, don't feel any reluctance in writing those formulas multiple times to wrote-learn aka imprint those in mind.
As a person who always kept higher focus on 'understanding', this was a difficult idea to gulp down.
Wanted to add, not to fall for quick fashion or fads or immature trends which does not last even few days or months.
Fully liked other points.
Much less of a lesson and more like advice:

I've never needed to manage time after my schooling years. University was four hours a day, life after that was basically an extended vacation. I learned very late that time management is very important. So I got a simple time tracker app (clockify) and it's helped me manage my various projects far more efficiently (I stop working on something after I reach the 4 hour mark in a day and go do something else):

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When we're young, we are instructed to focus on our goals and to strive hard to achieve them. That has never worked for me. I could never align myself to focus on a single point in the future.

Instead, focusing on the moment, enjoying the process, accepting that it is a process, that's made life far more productive for me. I'm able to do things that I've never done before in my life when I don't stress about getting them done and instead take everything as a process.

For example, the other day, I changed out the starter motor for our twenty-five year old maruti. It took an hour and I basically had to bear hug the engine to get my hands to where the fasteners were, but since I didn't have a deadline or an immediate need to go somewhere with the car, I was able to pace myself and work step by step.

Old engine, new starter:
man you are a dr and a mechanic and a computer guy and an electronics guy !
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Never Share Everything When Teaching a Skill

When teaching someone a skill, it’s wise to keep a few important aspects to yourself. These little secrets are what make you unique and give you an edge. Sharing knowledge is great, but maintaining your individuality is equally important.
Never Share Everything When Teaching a Skill

When teaching someone a skill, it’s wise to keep a few important aspects to yourself. These little secrets are what make you unique and give you an edge. Sharing knowledge is great, but maintaining your individuality is equally important.
These words I heard from the computer technician who used to come at my place. He said if I tell you everything what will be the diff. between you and me?
1. 90% of what you hear are lies. 90% of what your family, friends, colleagues, news channels, carpenters, people you know tell you can systematically be proven to be fake. It's not like people mean harm to us, it's just that they themselves sometimes don't know. People usually don't like to put their brains in their ear-to-mouth pipeline.

2. Being a fan of something is a proper mental disorder. I have been a fan, so I know. Fans are low-hanging fruits that can be easily manipulated by companies, countries or political parties. Fan is an opposite word to logical. Yeah, I can be illogical/fan for my family and friends, it's called sacrifice. Any entity beyond that can F themselves. When one ceases to be a fan, only then can the eyes be opened and the truth will become apparent.

3. Not spending time and money on health will take away 10–20 years from your lifespan. It's a lose-lose situation. You could also read this other way around, spending just 5 years worth of your life will extend your lifespan by 20 years.

4. Indian food, my most favorite cuisine, is the junkiest junk food there is. If we have to be scientific, the McD burger, which is shit, has a better nutritional profile than what we Indians eat in general.

These are some of my life lessons.
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1. Friends Change with Time
No matter how close a friend might be at one point in your life, very few will stay with you for the long run. People grow, priorities shift, and that’s okay.

2. Relatives Aren’t Always Your Cheerleaders
Even the closest relatives may secretly hope to see you fail. It’s a harsh reality, but experiencing it can make you stronger. If you don’t believe it, take a risk or make a mistake—and watch how they react.
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People who tell you "money isn't everything" especially when you're struggling financially often reveal their own insecurities. Deep down, they might fear that once you achieve financial stability, your relationship with them could change in ways they can’t control.

The truth is, "money is everything" at least until you have enough to provide for yourself, your family, kids future and your future. Once you've crossed that threshold of financial security, only then can the idea that "money isn’t everything" start to hold meaning.

Although money is a man-made creation, life without it can be incredibly challenging. Money provides power and opportunities, it's a tool that can help solve many of life's problems, reduce pain and open doors to a better, more fulfilling existence.

So, never let anyone stand in the way of your journey to earning more, including your family members. If you got lucky and achieved financial stability, you’ll be able to help your loved ones in need in many ways, even if they once called you money-minded person.
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I have learnt one thing- suno sabki karo khudki albeit by carefully considering on a few or one of the best advises you get form everyone around!

And to the fools who think money isn't everything these days, well go out and earn 100 bucks for free everyday for survival and then comeback saying money isn't everything!

That era has long gone! It's all money or you are it family, relatives, friends or eve you wife and gf...yeah even your kids! So work your ass off so that you can easily feed your own family and even if they dump you for a reason you should be capable enough to survive happily till your last breath!

Sleep early wake up early eat on time and etc. Well, its a good thing but how many of us really can follow this 90s rule today? Certainly not even the sarkari 9-6 chilling employee too, right?

The current gen jobs are architect in such a way that our bodies has already adapted to the dynamic schedules and the lifestyle. There's no escape! And if someone who might be a vegan or so called pure veggie, non-smoker, drinker, no gals, no fling in short leading a boring saints life person tries to give you gyan, just give him those examples of how the so called healthy lifestyle living famous people died in their early 40s without even enjoying the good and bad! So tell such people to simply FO!
The current gen jobs are architect in such a way that our bodies has already adapted to the dynamic schedules and the lifestyle. There's no escape! And if someone who might be a vegan or so called pure veggie, non-smoker, drinker, no gals, no fling in short leading a boring saints life person tries to give you gyan, just give him those examples of how the so called healthy lifestyle living famous people died in their early 40s without even enjoying the good and bad! So tell such people to simply FO!
Nice way to rationalize something that is stupidly harmful as smoking.

Canada had a rule where all smokers went and smoked inside a smoking room. Wish we had something like that in India and not have to dodge bloody smokers exhaling slow poison in public areas. F that.

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I'm not supporting smoking but to say people die prematurely even after following yoga, satvic foods etc and yet some idiots keeps giving gyan to live a clean life.
Not everyone has same definition of whats good and whats not and not everything good is going to be good/easy on you.

I get your basic idea, but things work in probabilities. Lots of babies die, children die, a very high % of animals/birds don't survive early age and are basically food as far as nature is concerned.

So someone living or dying at 40s or another random age as a justification to do what you want to do anyway is kinda faulty logic too. Basically, you don't need that as reason to do what you want, and whether that something is harmful or not has no relation to it. Just as yoga is not going to cure diseases. And satvic or kosher is arbitrary too. You would think that people would be able to tell right from wrong but not everyone has the same idea of what is right.


Anyway, i just think its all pointless and kinda evil. We are here and then we are not.