Light A Million Candles

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The innocent victims of Internet child abuse cannot speak for themselves.

But you can.

With your help, we can eradicate this evil trade.

We do not need your money.

We need you to light a candle of support <>.

We're aiming to light at least One Million Candles by December 31, 2006.

This petition will be used to encourage governments, politicians, financial institutions, payment organisations, Internet service providers, technology companies and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the commercial viability of online child abuse.

They have the power to work together. You have the power to get them to take action.

Please light your candle at Light a candle for the innocent victims of online child abuse. or send an email of support to

Together, we can destroy the commercial viability of Internet child abuse sites that are destroying the lives of innocent children.

Kindly forward this email to your friends, relatives and work colleagues so that they can light a candle too.

Just saw the advertisement on TV. This is a website which is devoted against child pornograghy. They just need us to light a candle there on the site. They are just asking for 5 minutes of our time. I would request you all to light one asap. They need to light 1 Million candles by 31st Dec 2006. Show them our support in big numbers :D.

Here is the link Light a candle for the innocent victims of online child abuse.

Please make sure that you leave your details with mentioned in it.


Name : | Switch | Nishant

Country : India

Email :

Me to lit one.....

Now its stands at 920,374...Hope tat it reaches its destination of 1Million as quickly as possible...:)
It already reached to 1 Million !!

But still..... when I went to light up a candle, the fire of the match kept blow out due to high wind.

joke........ hahahaha

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