Limewire Not Connecting


Limewire doesn't seem to be connecting... ever since I shifted address and therefore changed my connection... though both connections are similiar, 256 Kbps.. Net works ok, Ares connects (but Ares sources aren't reliable...)... but LW just refuses to connct ... Ne1 know how to fix this...?
yeah but how ? i've sorta realised that over time ... i even googled it and found some bunch of tips on the net but that didn't work... honestly speaking, i think i got lost somewhere in the instructions..
how do i know which ports are open or not, and what to with regards to that in limewire?
First tell us what connection you are using if it's adsl... then your router has a lot of flexibility... but if it is summin like sify etc... then you're sort of stuck.
I don't think tata is adsl... did you get a router with your connection? If not then tata is obv blocking the specific port or the application itself.

If you have a router... i.e. you are using multiple pcs and they are connected through a router or tata did indeed give you a router... then configure your router to use upnp.