Linux Linus Torvalds Switched to Gnome Desktop Environment from KDE

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"In a recent Computerworld interview, Linus revealed that he's switched to Gnome — this despite launching a heavily critical broadside against Gnome just a few years ago. His reason? He thinks KDE 4 is a 'disaster.' Although it's improved recently, he'll find many who agree with this prognosis, and KDE 4 can be painful to use."

There's quite a bit of interesting stuff in this interview, besides, regarding the current state of Linux development.

Slashdot | Linus Switches From KDE To Gnome


Q&A: Linux founder Linus Torvalds talks about open-source identity

Never expect Gnome-3.0 to be such a disaster.Gnome developers now know how it will be to mess with codes and moves fast to new version of toolkits(qt4) :bleh::bleh::bleh:
kde4 is a pain to use :( it hught linux was fast but KDE4 makes everyday operations sooo slow
Gnome simply works.I am on the same distro for years now(debian and ubuntu with a kubuntu partition just erased after testing kde4).
Kubuntu 8.10. Using it on my laptop for coupla days, all that gfx effects totally slowed down my lappy. was getting artefacts everywhere, while minimising and maximising windows whole screen would be full of jaggies. got rid of it for good :|
^^Rofl . Get over Kubuntu, the most pathetic KDE integration ever.. Nothing is included..

Get Mandriva or openSUSE for KDE :)
I had already tried kde4 many times in fedora ,opensuse on hdd and livecd's.mandriva is a hopeless distro for someone who uses Linux almost completely for a long time.may be good for new linux users who dont want package management ?

basically it is a human reservation whether to like kde or Gnome.I sincerely liked Kdemod 3.x in archlinux.but kde4.. :(


anyways ,what I think is ,there is now a need for a new Desktop Environment which is balanced in their design ideologies - not too orthodox as Gnome and not too liberal(control freaks) as Kde.Xfce cannot a new DE based on qt4.5 .I guess ,many are expecting Gnome-3.0 will be based on qt4.5 ?
.mandriva is a hopeless distro for someone who uses Linux almost completely for a long time.may be good for new linux users who dont want package management ?

What does that mean ? Mandriva has its own package manager.. far better than packagekit and zypper :P and if you don't know nearly all the digikam and other KDE developers uses Mandriva and SUSE :P
rpm with whatever front-end is never to catch up with apt+dpkg. may be pacman or conary(if given a good developement priority) can be called competitors.that's it.looking at suse yast resolving package management ,I usually feels like doing a fsck.ext3 -fvy /dev/sdx on that suse parition :p
praka123 said:
Gnome simply works.I am on the same distro for years now(debian and ubuntu with a kubuntu partition just erased after testing kde4).

+1 for that

small incremental changes (like say tabbed browsing in nautilus)

no nasty surprises

most of the time less bugs than KDE.

but KDE still has some really good apps (amarok) for which gnome has to work on.

For a computer geek or a guy who is passionate about computers , it may come down to matter of personal preferences .

for a normal end user ..

Software configuration(and bugs) are like gutters.

it you know about them , they are not working correctly.

And when Linus Trovalds moved to gnome , there are some serious issues here that KDE must resolve.

All is not lost yet.Reports for KDE 4.2 are good.

but usually end user wants improvements and hates surprises.

perfect example WIN7

win7 getting all the applause , cause it is nothing but optimized - vista ..

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