Linux LINUX Enterprise and windows XP booting trouble


Dear friends
I have installed windows xp and left un partitioned space in hard drive and installed linux enterprise 4.0 on it. while booting the system it is giving me 3 seconds to choose between the linux and windows OS. I want to increase that time and is it possible ...? more over it is showing under selection list as other( for windows) instead of displaying OS name... can these changes made in linux??? please help i am a newbie in linux and desperate to learn
linux enterprise 4 ? I presume you are using Redhat enterprise edition 4.0

You will need to change configuration settings of grub boot loader from inside linux OS to increase OS selection time.

I think, these steps may work - use with caution:

nano /boot/grub/grub.conf

you may find a value timeout=3

change it to 20 or whatever figure you want.

save file and exit

try reboot and verify whether boot menu is working as expected.