User Guides Linux for absolute beginners..


Image to make you switch to linux :D

I am writing this to help ppl like myself who find it hard to find all the info needed after shifitng to linux, in one place. I personally didn't like Linux at the first glance and I always booted to windows XP, and one fine day my Windows crashed. I was just trying Linux for some time and I got really addicted with it..Its an enchanting experience.

This guide is for Fedora Linux, I will try to make it a general one by including Ubuntu commands too wherever possible.

I am a real noob in Linux myself and have been using it only from a past week or so, please forgive me if I write something stupid..

Here I assume that you have already installed Linux. If not, download a Linux dirsto from hundreds of sites online. You can also request a copy of ubuntu to be shipped to your place for free here

[BREAK=Getting started]

I had problems getting to the GUI on fedora for the first time. Dunno how but it was solved when I did reboot twice. No such problems on ubuntu though (it took a long time for me to install on my AMD X2 machine, dunno why :S )

Basic FAQ

1.I managed to install Linux, what do I do with it?

Ans. You can do almost everything you can do with Windows and more. Make sure you are connected
to internet. Else Linux is not much fun..

2.What is a terminal?
It's analogous to DOS of windows and is very very helpful in linux. This is the place
you need to go to run commands which you find online. This can be found at
Applications > Accessories > Terminal

3.What codes can I run at the terminal?
Most of the codes are intutive. cd is to change directory, mkdir is to make a new directory
etc..we will talk more about this later.

4.I miss my Windows Explorer?
You will find a much better Linux explorer (Nautilius). Go to Places > Computer

5.Linux Office?
You have an option of using openoffice which is the substitute for Office from Microsoft.
Applications > Office

6.Internet Explorer?
All linux distros come pre installed with Mozilla Firefox. More on how to install other
browsers later.
7. Whats root? and su?
Root is somewhat like Administrator in Windows you need to login as root for changing some settings and installing applications (some). However it is not safe to login as root all the time, you can type su - at the terminal to switch to root user mode and to run some applications which demands you to do so..
8.I can't see my windows partitions!!
Windows has a different file system NTFS other than Linux. Though in some distro's you can automatically mount NTFS partitions. You need to install an application called ntfs-3g for this purpose on most machines.

yum install ntfs-3g
Run this code in the terminal

Create a directory in say /media using Nautilus or using the terminal using the mkdir command to create a directory and cd to go that directory..

cd /media
mkdir win_X

X can be substitued with your C, D, E etc drives of Windows.

Next step is to mount them

fdisk -l
to know whats where :D
Identify your NTFS partititions which looks something like /dev/hda# where # is a number

now you can mount using

ntfs-3g /dev/hda# /media/win_X

note:1.Linux is case sensitive Desktop is different fron desktop
2. During yum installs if you want to automatically answer yes for Do you want to download? questions postfix -y after yum

9. Whats this yum??

Yum is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for rpm systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur to install packages. It makes it easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update each one using rpm.

In linux unlike windows you often don't get packages in nice installers, a package will have lots of dependencies. yum manages everything and installs in a breeze. After you get used to it you will like it :D


10. I wanna play mp3s !
yum -y install xmms xmms-mp3 xmms-faad2 gstreamer-plugins-ugly libmad libid3tag

11. AVIs movies etc ?
VLC is the best..its very simple to install VLC

yum install vlc
will do

12. Nero ?
Gnome baker burns DVDs and CDs. I am currently using it, doesn't offer much customization like Nero. GOOD ENOUGH !

yum install gnomebaker

13. Partition magic?
You can either install Qtparted of gparted

yum install qtparted
yum install gparted

14. Mu torrent bit torrent?

You have many of them.. I found these 2, minimum GUI, works fine..

bittorrent GUI

yum install bittorrent-gui


yum install transmission

[BREAK=Enable Desktop Effects]

Here comes the tricky part. This is the one which took most of my time..
I will try to make this as simple as possible..

0. first try Sytem > Preferences > Desktop Effects > enable

if it works Congrats.. If it doesn't read ahead

I will write what I did and this *might* not work for you!!

1.I have fedora core 6, it came with a bug that installed a 586 kernel on my 686 machine.. So I first updated the kernel. However most of you can skip this step as I will assume you are using more recent distros..

2.Install Nvidia drivers

yum install kmod-nvidia

Then edit grub.conf file on /etc/grub.conf .. You can access this file using Nautilus or

gedit /etc/grub.conf

You will find something like this
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet

now add iommu=off
to the end of the line.

Now try
glxinfo | grep direct
If direct rendering is enabled. Go to step 0 else continue :p

yum install nvidia-x11-drv

now go to /etc/X11 and edit xorg.conf file

You may have to make a lot of modifications to it to make it running..

[BREAK=xorg.conf modifications]

# Xorg configuration created by livna-config-display

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/nvidia"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"

Section "Module"
Load "glx"
Load "record"
Load "freetype"
Load "type1"
Load "GLCore"
Load "dri"
Load "glx"
Load "dbe"
Load "extmod"

Section "ServerFlags"
Option "AIGLX" "on"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "nvidia"
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
DefaultDepth 24
Option "Composite" "Enable"
Option "RenderAccel" "True"
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24

Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"

I have posted my xorg.conf here for reference.. Please make a backup of your xorg.conf before trying this..

yum install beryl-gnome

@ATI user : SORRY :tongue: Someone help me with a guide for ATI users..

Now restart your session by Sytem > Logout
or better restart your system

when it reboots you will see a Nvidia splash your settings are perfect..

@ubuntu users can try sudo -apt instead of yum..Everything works fine I guess :huh:

start your beryl session by typing
in your terminal.. YOu will see a Diamond next to your clock, play around with it and live the Beryl Experience.

I will update this as I learn to do more things.. Inputs are welcome..

This is my first guide/tutorial on TE that too on LINUX!! Plz don't mind if it isn't upto the mark..
nice work dude! it'll surely help ppl who r new to linux.
I think there should be a guide like this for every linux distro and the guide should be bundled with the distribution and should be on the distribution's website, so that newbies can find it easy to get things working.
Very Nice try :) Though you could have made it much better :) Well 1 question Why are you using Fedora Core 6 :| Why aren't you using new OS like Gutsy Gibbon or Werewolf?

Linux for absolute beginners..

Just for a note Fedora isn't a Linux for beginner :p I would rather suggest Linux Mint not the PCLOS :p

Nice guide none the less .. Repped :D
what are min req for Beryl
i got a spare duron 1.1 Ghz and a via board wit 256 SDRAM
looking for HDD will get it soon
wil Beryl run on this :p fc download 36% done
Dark Star said:
Very Nice try :) Though you could have made it much better :) Well 1 question Why are you using Fedora Core 6 :| Why aren't you using new OS like Gutsy Gibbon or Werewolf?

Just for a note Fedora isn't a Linux for beginner :p I would rather suggest Linux Mint not the PCLOS :p

Nice guide none the less .. Repped :D

Coz I have fedora DVD alone, I tried Linux only coz my Windows crashed.. And Ubuntu has some prob on my system, takes forever to install!
@sumedhmumbai : I have seen beryl work on my col comps..So it should work on anything :D frankly many people have tried them on 128 MB and even 64 MB rams without problems.. YOu may have to disable some plugins
I agree, an awesome attempt.....though I think some info is redundant as most newer versions of Distro's don't need ntfs-3g installed...and Compiz comes pre-installed in many. reps for effort, and some useful newbie info :)
Thanks for the comment guys.. Finally installed XP too.. had to low level format my disk.. My driver cd is gone!! so windows can't detect my ethernet device..Linux rocks...

@pixelpusher : I know a lot of this is redundant..I will get hold of some new linux distro as soon as possible and give a newbie insight into it.:D. Thanks for the support..
get Debian stable.....thts the most flexible.....suggested by FOSS(Free n Open Source s/w) club of india.....if u want a reaaally simple one...get Mandriva....lik if ur parents are gonna use it....and if ur lookin for eyecandy....get Ubuntu and install nVidia restrictd drivers....KDE 4 is a must....
Moving to Linux from Windoze is akin to a child being weaned from a bottle

the child wouldnt want to give it up first, but would never go back to the bottle later :p
Good work there..However I have a suggestion..Please change the title of the thread to also reflect the distro that the article is based on :)
Good work buddy. Appreciate your efforts. I'm soon planning to get one of these installed in my comp too..
Now who's gonna write a tutorial for intermediate users? :D
magus said:
Good work buddy. Appreciate your efforts. I'm soon planning to get one of these installed in my comp too..
Now who's gonna write a tutorial for intermediate users? :D
I'll post the tutorial and thousand more after I'll get free from my boards ;)