Linux Linux on MSI RS482M-IL

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One of my friend wants to install linux on this mobo based rig.

I googled and found that its very bad to linux ... !?!?! :S :@

Has anyone tried and succeeded...

Plz suggest distro for a learner with this motherboard.

Thanks !!!:hap2:
No actually my friend is a new bie to computers. and he is in bangalore.
Iam in NOIDA...

Ok .. i'll ask him to install suse 10 anyway !!
Does fedora core 5 support this mobo ??
archish said:
fedora has poor driver support. Suse is better when it comes to driver issues.
Hello ??? Have any reference for this ??
Linux does not have very high or latest driver support but in any case u can install it on x86 ( any ) and new 64 bit comps also.
Tell him to go ahead with installation of either Suse or Fedora. He should not face any problems AFAIK. Also just make sure if he has SATA HDD the to download and compile the drivers on a Floppy. He may need that. Otherwise it is fine.
^^ I have :)

This tells that this mobo has not actually got rocking reviews ( well which mobo does ??) Also google up a bit and it shows that there are BIOS issues of not ecognising the new E6 type 64-bit Sempron. And there are some IDE issues.

No major issues as such. And it shows that Fedora or Debain or CentOS all have some problem with clock speed.

But Linux does install on this mobo and SUSE or no SUSE does not make a difference since this is a kernel update problem. A patch should be out and all companies will update their dist.

So go ahead and install though u may not get good performance but IT WILL INSTALL.

@archish - Fedora has poor driver support is totally unfounded statement. Suse is good but Fedora does what it is meant to :)
well my favourite distro is slack. If you have used it you will know that one needs to install or compile and install most of the driver. It has not even got sound support when installed, compared this to suse it will detect and install most of the drivers. Why i recommended suse is that even though one can install the drivers manually in any distro the inbuilt support is better, makes the noob less time to start using linux and makes him curse less by shouting linux is bad :-)
^^ I agree with that. There are many distro who dont give drivers for each and every device. But 99% of linux distro get installed without any specific driver needs if you have normal x86 hardware. They wont give graphicx support or sound or bla bla but they will get installed.

Also SUSE is a different breed than Debain, or Gentoo. And Fedora is in the same class as SUSE. It also detects most hardware and automatically configures it. And most of the driver support comes compiled with kernel so any latest kernel will support more hardware. Only case that begs to differ is SATA for which u need the driver on floppy for most cases, but that is the way with windows also.

Fedora is very good OS and comes sponsored by Redhat and it supports extensive range of hardware my friend. :)
dunno why lost interest in fedora compared to the chamelion ;)

both are a good memory hog and they need a fairly modern machine to run smoothly :)
slacky mostly as its smooth n fast on any hardware. dont have debian n dont have the bandwidth to download it either.
Whats wrong with the mobo? Its a radeon xpress chipset right? Use proprietory ATI linux drivers then... Get them off ATI's site.
Even Ubuntu had pretty good driver support for that matter, infact tell your frnd to look in the CD with mobo, most of the linux drivers would be present.
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