List of indian CSS servers!

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Lets make a database of all the Indian/Asian CSS servers..
it can be a quick reference...
Tried googling...but didnt help me much.. has CS1.6 servers but does it have CSS ?
1)the only indian server i know is our veryown TE server..which is showing
full from quite some time...:(

Any others' ..guys plz help this CSS newbie...& some server indexing sites...:)
technically..TE server is not indian...its located in SG :)
Vstreet has the only indian servers afaik..
then there was this valve server @

strangely, while sg servers give good pings for me..the local indian servers dont :tongue:
My god, stop calling it a Valve server!!!!!

Its a CGI (CYBER GAMES INDIA!) Server...'

Only CGI and FS have a Source server Afaik.

CFI Server IP is :

and FS Source Server IP is :
Already listed it.

There are only 2.

Source is not gonna earn any respect/importance in India, as most competative players, first off, dont have a good enough PC to run it properly.
Heck, even i cant run it properly.
Plus, ESWC and WCG is CS 1.6.. So Source has a lot going against it presently.
Rather use ServerSpy.Net

Much better, and more accurate.

Expect about 10 more servers up within a week or two ;).

VStreet is going national :).
Were gonna have Westzone (in Mumbai), NorthZone (Located in Delhi) and East zone(Located in Bangalore). As soon as we get our hardware, im off for a trip to Delhi :P.
^^ pardon me..but how is east zone bangalore?..i it gonna cover entire south india as well as the entire eastcoast?
good to hear that....but i hope the servers are setup as quickly as possible...

& guys i have a query...japan is nearer to india compared to how come i get ~60 ping to TE server & ~350 ping to japanese servers?? :huh:
similarly how i get 500ping to CGI server and 60 ping to SG server :P
its the routing that decides the ping ultimately.
yea its all about the routing. heres what my airtel guy told me when i asked how im routed to singapore. He said airtel has direct routing to Singtel, but if it was bsnl it has to go through vsnl or something like that.

edit: oh yeah btw Bangalore to Tokyo is 6647 km while to Singapore is 3221 km.
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