Storage Solutions Lite-On DVD-RW SOHW-1693S Problem

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Everytime I try to write a DVD i get a "PMA Update Failure" in Nero.
On looking up this error on google, most ppl said that it was a problem of "bad-media".

I tried different brands like Moserbaer , Imation , Sony , Edgetec etc. but I stil get the same error.

When I had used Moserbaer-PRO in the begining, they were working perfectly.
The drive still writes all CD's fine, but no DVDs are getting written.

Its still under warranty so if anyone can give me a convincing reason for this happening, maybe I can get a replacement.

I ever tried using Roxio thinking it might be a Nero-related problem but that didnt help either.
I could understand if it was a problem with ONE specific brand but no DVD's are getting written.
There are chances that the DVD part of ur hardware is faulty. Just check whether it reads data DVD-Rs......I had the same problem with my Sony Drive....In my case the CD part was dead...It could read/write DVDs but no CDs.....If its within warranty get it replaced......
Before that just check the drive on some other PC...Maybe its a problem with ur PC....
i had similar prob on my nec. but the error was diff. "write caliberation error".

does ur dvd get written or it can be used again?

it gives u the error b4 ur write starts?

its usually cause of faulty media or dvddrive dying or dust on the lens.

b4 writing a dvd the lens passes a laser on 1 part of the dvd b4 it starts writing data. if it misses the disc it gives u the error. u can do this around 95-99 times b4 the disc goes bad. try using that dvd cleaner dvd. it helped a bit.

also make sure your drive is getting enough power. can also be caused when the psu doesnt give enough power to the drive. so remove other extra devices n check. make sure ur drive power connector is also not connected to any other device.

also for me when i got the error in the beginning it dint write dvd-r but always wrote dvd+r dvd. so check dvd+r
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