Storage Solutions Liteon DVD Writer

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^^Good enough but re-check with prices;

The Samsung SH203D is an equally good performer and retails cheaper at 1.1k; :)
Not much idea about Lite-On but you can opt for SAMSUNG SH-S203D (or SH-S203B if available) which is a pretty nice burner.
Yeah. Samsung CD burners were not that good and even I have had bad experience using them. Just like you, I was also hesitant in buying a Samsung DVD burner but after reading it's reviews all over the net, I thought of giving it a try. Also, Samsung now has a tie up with Toshiba for making optical drives (known as TSST or Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Corporation) which is probably why these are good :)

Review of this burner:
Samsung SH-S203B DVD Burner Review on CD - Reviews- Conclusion
tarun said:
Also, Samsung now has a tie up with Toshiba for making optical drives (known as TSST or Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Corporation) which is probably why these are good :)

Nope that's a wrong info and needs to be corrected; :)

TSST was founded during April 2004;

Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The initial Samsung DVD burners were a huge flop owing to tray errors, buffer under-run errors and the likes; but ever since the SH203B turned up, things've changed for them; :)
Yeah TSST is old news but what I meant above was that SAMSUNG SH-S203B is from TSST :) I am not sure how are the CD burners from TSST as I used Samsung CD burners before this tie-up.
Even the old CD burners from Samsung, right from 48x-24x-48x and the 52x-32x-52x were from TSST; But for some reason those failed to impress; :P
Yes old CD burners are also from TSST and i also had bad experience with samsung optical drives spl combo ones.
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