Little Sister, Harvest or Rescue.

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Saw a similar thread in some other forums, and got inspired to post it here,
Whats ur choice, rescue them or harvest them. So far I am rescuing them!!
LOL it would have been nice if we would have had an option to RESCUE Mr. Bubbles . . . imagine how much Adam could have been squeezed outta BIG DADDY!!!!

Total Carnage :D
prafulk said:
LOL it would have been nice if we would have had an option to RESCUE Mr. Bubbles . . . imagine how much Adam could have been squeezed outta BIG DADDY!!!!

Total Carnage :D

You are right...:rofl: You wont even need ADAM, just rescue 2~3 Big Daddy's and make them fight for you. :P
Sometimes while rescuing little sisters, I thought Harvesting is better idea. Basically How can you live morally by setting a little girl free in a world like Rapture?
I find it Very Wierd that even though through out the "GAME" i might have harvested maybe 2 or 3 little sisters and that too just to see how the thing take s place ( Love the way they ARE RESCUED ) and STILL!!! when i finish the game i END up being the BAD guy. . WTF ???
im rescuing all the girls till now... got a great reward after rescuing 3... big daddy hypnotizer :D use him as ur puppet...and some 200-400 adams ... so keeping on rescuing totally addicted to the game now.. just reached arcadia.. its getting spookier and spookier....
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