Linux LiveCD/DVD Suggestion containing Educational Tools/ Games

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I am looking for a Linux Distribution which I can use in a Live CD/DVD mode and dedicated to Educational Resources and Games (like Puzzles) for children. I would like to use it as a teaching aid for a child, who is about 5 years old. I have heard about Edubuntu, but the trouble is I can not use it in Live CD/DVD mode and installing Linux will not serve my purpose.

Please suggest.

Thank you.
Hey thanks guys....

there are two more one is OLPC Linux distro and the other is LinuxKidx

Now I have go through all the links and find the most suitable one for my son :)

Wizards Kid-Safe LiveCD: Wizard's Kid-Safe Livecd |

Sadly, this project is discontinued, don't know why exactly though
Thanks Dark Star, I shall go through the tutorial again.

Could you suggest some softwares that I may find useful for a 5year old child?
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