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From 3-0 down in 1st half to 3-3 in second half and then they wont in penalty shootout.
God damn, cant believe my eyes.
What a match.
Worth staying alive till 3AM
:ohyeah: :hap2: :D :hap5: :rofl: :clap: :cool2: :tongue: :O

I feel happy for them. Hope FIFA allows them to Champions League next year :hap2:
AC Milan of course.
You dont follow football it seems ;)

Anyway guys you must have watched the penalty shootout. Damn......
Liverpool goalkeeper saved 3, yes 3 out of 5.
Ahouls have seen the face of jerrad when he was about to loift the cup :)
LMAO @ Masky...

lol...i get sick of watching FIFA 2005 played at each fkin comp in the hostel :cursing:

so...i hate football :P
GREAT!!!! Liverpool so deserved to win. Guess they will be a force to reckon with next year during the premiership.

It is sad that they will not be able to defend their crown next year. The rules are really dumb.
With United out didn't have much interest in Champions League, But still congratulations to Liverpool. AC Milan had odds in their favor. Great play from Liverpool.
Man that was an awesome match, period !!! Clear favourites AC Milan loosing after 3-0 lead....

So Gerrad stays with Liverpool now...

Thats wat i wanted !! :hap2:..and to win in that fashion is great.

Man Dudek saving Shevchenko's spot kick was absolutely AWESOME.
Best CL final ever....l'pool destined to win the UCL i guess....wht a comeback...stevie g was awesome.
scheva in blue colours nxt season in england :D
liverpool where down and out for sometime but now they r back to the game
cheers for liverpool :jumpy:
good luck next time AC milan
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