LokiTorrent.com shut down by MPAA.

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stupid idiotic
MPAA sucks thats all
Let them do it. They will create 100 more. If they think they are gonna achive an end to movie sharing, they are in for a rude shock. Now all those who don't even know of torrent are going all out for it.
P2P cannot die. try as they might, they are digging there own graves. It will be far better for the motion pictures association of jokers :P to join hands with p2p now. Its been prooved that these guys actually benefit from p2p(many people watch movies in cinema halls if its good)
But if they get greedy, well they will enjoy!!!
HERE IS GRT NEWS(just prooves that p2p will never die)

Source www.slyck.com

ShareConnector To Return....
February 10, 2005

Welcome Back dear ShareConnector's ! Probably you heard the news and know what injustice is done to us. Regarding the situation we have decided to put up a SC newspage so we can keep you informed about the current development of the situation.

Let me start from the beginning. I'll explain in short what really happened the day (14-12-04) SC was taken down. Foundation BREIN (dutch anti-piracy) requested permission from the public prosecutor to take SC down. BREIN told the public prosecutor that SC is taking part in illegal activities such as copyright infringement.

As we all know it's not illegal by Dutch law to put eD2k links on a webpage, it's just a hashcode which describes a file so it has nothing to do with localization. Without any (real) investigation they assumed BREIN was right and gave permission to FIOD-ECD (piracy tracing department) to seize the servers and take SC offline. That day only 1 person was arrested our SC ISP Zefanja, his computers etc. were seized and he was 2 days in jail.

I was not arrested as the news told I was, they didn't know me yet otherwise I would be in the same situation. The 8 other arrests have nothing to do with ShareConnector. A day later FIOD-ECD called me to make my statement and so I did. The so called experts at FIOD-ECD didn't have a clue on how SC and eDonkey2k operated, so what the hell is their job then?!

After the hearing not much happened and the lawyer's letters which were sent to the public prosecutor still remain unaswered. It's obvious that they made a very big mistake and now they want this swept under the carpet. They are now stretching time, doing nothing and calling it an investigation. Now the real one to blame here is BREIN. They fooled the authorities and they are the ones who should be held responisble and pay full damages to ShareConnector & The Mindlab ISP.

That's it for now as soon as we know more it will be added here. And one thing is for sure, SC will be back no matter what it may just take some time..
Expect more soon so stay tuned!


btw on a lighter side, this is the funniest comment i saw on the slyck forums :P

(for those who don't know, loki actually took donation to the tune of 40000$ to fight against MPAA and now the site closure notice :P
here is one guys take on that
I just had a funny thought.. wouldnt it be funny if the guy used the money and booked a great big vacation posted a picture of him on a beach and a text stating "Sorry we lost"

:rofl: :rofl:
I just had a funny thought.. wouldnt it be funny if the guy used the money and booked a great big vacation posted a picture of him on a beach and a text stating "Sorry we lost"

yep..tat wud have been much better...;)
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