Long beeps while gaming, motherboard chipset heating up

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Ok guys have a phenom II X4 955 BE paired with Asus m4a78t-e and 4 gigs of ddr3 1333 Mhz ram. Still using the 8800 gt and the old 600 w Cm extreme power.
Neways the machine is stable and works well, however the problem arises when i start playing games. I get these long beeeps which stop only if i quit the game or access the in-game menu.
Thinking this was a heat issue i bought another 120mm fan and added it to the top of my CM690.
Bought a CM v8 cooler for the proccy yesterday (still running at stock btw), added thermal grease to the zalman on the GPU and ran wolfenstein again at 1920 full settings. Thing is the beeps still continued. opened the cabby, touched the chipset and damnnn was it hottttt.
So now is this my bad luck with a faulty board ( which i doubt cause it passes all stress tests and my rigorous use) ???
Need your suggestions/thoughts asap guys.
This is the last time i go high end otherwise cause this has happened to my friend last year when he spent a bomb on this but was not able to complete a single game in peace.
My PC when i got it :

My PC as of yesterday :

Friends troublesome pc built last year : something or the other always conked off each month. :

So is this the price u pay for getting good hardware ??? ?!
psyph3r said:
That thing was so hot to touch i doubt anything other than liquid will cool it.
try a small fan , or rig a 80mm temporarily. you never know it might help
Have you checked the manual to see what the beeps indicate?

Also have you tried monitoring the temps?

Passive heatsinks tend to run a little hot too, so don't be too alarmed. Although there is the possibility the airflow isn't sufficient to cool it.
was using speedfan, pcprobe II shows the mobo temps at 59 c idle.

@dominator dont wanna sell it, will use it on an x3 i m gettin fer my bro :p
Have you checked all the voltages?

Perhaps the PSU isnt supplying clean/ sufficient power on all lines.

Also, see the GPU temp and if possible RAM Temps.
I have a similar situation on my Gigabyte board with intel chipset. The only difference was that ur system beeps and mine behaved erratic.

I would suggest is either put a HSF on the chipset or apply some thermal compound on the chipset then replace the heatsink.

This thing worked in my case.
Just had the worst customer service ever from Rashi.

I called them up to chk on their workhours and whether i'd have to get my entire pc or just the mobo. They asked me to get the mobo only. I reached there today and they asked me to get my proccy and ram from home since they didnt have the newer processors or the ram, i got the components from home asap taking an off from work and when i got there, they ask me to come on Monday since their technicians had to attend some meet in mumbai.

Another pointer guys, avoid buying anything that is imported by Rashi, worst fcking service ever. Those technicians ignorantly left all my components on the table and just walked off. When i confronted the receptionist she asked me go to the dealer instead of coming directly to Rashi. Fck this shit , never goin high end in India ever again.

As i posted above my friend had the same issues with the dumbest technician ever who Rashi have hired.

I took my stock cooler along to the centre and i had applied a transparent sticker so that the thermal grease doesnt mess up my drawer, and the technician asked me whether i was using the HS with the sticker (since he thought the overheating issue was due to me using it that way) !! lol :P .

bunch of n00bs rashi has
i had the exact same situation when i assembled my new comp, but for me it was the UPS beeping. I had the same CM600W powering a GTX 260, obviously it was getting overloaded and so was the UPS, changing my PSU to a more powerful one solved the problem :) you sure the beeps are coming from your MB??
soul read the post above urs . and yes it is the mobo temps causing beeps. i checkd with multiple tools.
But i had many good experience with Rashi. My almost 3yr old A8NE died, and they gave me 3.5k cash back for it though i had to call them up some 10 times.

One of my frend for a 7300 card after RMAing a 6200.

another frend got M2N 68AM plus after RMAing old A8V mobo[via chipset].

MAybe it was ur bad luck, or the rashi guys at ur place are dumb and arrogant.
here in mumbai rashi has sum gud support..........and they have some good engineers too....might be rashi must be dumb at ur place.

they gave me an xfx 9800gtx while RMAing a xfx 8800gt......said they didnt have my card right now...lol
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