PC Peripherals Looking for a decent wireless mouse for my notebook.


Well, As the thread title suggests i am looking for a decent wireless mouse for my notebook. I need a decent mouse as my work includes using Google layout/MS Paint/Photo shop etc. Suggest me one.

What i am looking for...

Mini Mouse of course wireless.

Better if comes with a charger otherwise anything using AAA batteries.

Small receiver(Preferably one which slides back inside the mouse once not in use)

Under 1K


i have mini ms mouse..cordless but not bluetooth... using it with eeepc although ye i shud get b'tooth mse.

What I like is battery, single AA and haven't changed since I have put it..thats been around since november.

model : ms wireless optical notebook mouse 3000
+1 for Logitech V220. Works great with my eeepc.
One warning though: the receiver slides out easily from the mouse when you carry it docked with mouse. You're better off carrying the receiver separately.
And if you are middle button junkie, it's bit hard because of the sideways scroll on the scroll wheel.
Price is around 1k.