Looking for a Remote keylogger

Hi am looking for a Remote keylogger that is easy to use and reliable. I already have Perfect Keylogger which is so crappy it doesnt even get installed on another machine... Can anyone suggest me a good one and also tell from where can i get it?? Thanks in advance:hap2:
FUD keylogger's aren't exactly free my friend.If you are lucky google might hook you up with 20/24 D keylogger, which i think is not what you are looking for also there are high chances that the one you will find is already backdoored.

Get a crypter or get private version coded.
Why don't you try building a basic bare-boned structure of a keylogger yourself? (I am assuming you have some background in programming) You can customize it the way you want once you get the basics right.It will be a great learning experience too.
I could have tried programming, if I didnt had a business to run. I need to keep a check on my office computers where I cant restrict internet because of nature of work. As it is there are loads of them available.. I'm planning to get it for free through sources or can also consider buying it. But it has to be the best in Industry. So anyone with knowledge and review of anyworthy keylogger do reply..Thanks anyway