Looking for Free Task Scheduler

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Hello friends
I am looking for a free task scheduler which can do the following:
1. Launch a program at a specified time.

2. log on to Internet at a Specified time

3. Log off from internet at a specified time.

4. Put the PC in Hibernation at a specified time.

I know about XP's built in scheduler, but this can not log in to internet and neither it is able to put PC in Hibernation at a specified time. Moreover, the timer in Windows Task Scheduler can not time events in fraction of seconds, it can only schedule by fraction of minute.
So is there anything out there?
xp task scheduler is good. u can log in internet using it.
u just have to make a batch file having rasdial command to ur dialup connection having ur username and password


rasdial connectionname username password

save this in notepad as connect.bat file any where in ur pc or ur deskop.
then just add this bat file in taskscheduler to run at ur specific time.

if u want to disconnect just make another bat file using
rasdial connection name /disconnect
and save it as disconnect.bat file on ur pc

and add this file in task scheduler.

if u want to shutdown ur pc add new task in scheduler and browse for file shutdown.exe in C:\WINDOWS\system32

and add switch to it in like this in its run menu

C:\WINDOWS\system32\shutdown.exe -f -s -t 00

make all these to run at specific time u want.
and for running program just add any program's exe in scheduler and set it to run on specific time .

and by the way if task scheduler ask u for password and u have'nt used any password on ur Operating system then just check the option run task only if logged in
I know its difficult to make any sense of this without any screen shot but i ve not much time at moment to make any tutorial.hope this help a little
Thank you very much for your reply. :)

Sorry I never created any batch file, so could you please tell me whether I need to just put the one line in the batch file?

Secondly, I would like to put the PC to Hibernate State rather than Shutting it down as there may be other programs running at that time.

So what else can be done? :?:
Sorry I never created any batch file, so could you please tell me whether I need to just put the one line in the batch file?

yes put the line rasdial connectionname username password

and save as conect.bat file any where in ur pc

Secondly, I would like to put the PC to Hibernate State rather than Shutting it down as there may be other programs running at that time.

so want to start ur pc at specific time for that u can try mainboards bios on off timer..

when the window goes in hibernate state pc is totaly switched off no task is able switch it on.means pc cannot power up on its own. for that u have to use bios on/offtimer.or just put the pc in standby mode and use the option wake the computer to run this task in setting of task properties

and the shutdown command I mention in my post was to shut off the pc after the task is completed in morning.;)
You don't need to put your username and password in the batch file if you have saved the password in the respective connection.
It's more secure that way.
If you are willing to bang your head a little more, you could try using Cron for windows. You'll need to understand how cron works though (it is originally a linux/unix service). After installation you'd have a crontab.txt file which can be edited according to the syntax found here. As pointed above, using batch files is a great way to automate almost everything that you require. Cron runs as a system service and will try to run whether you're logged in or not.

A quick google search reveals that the command you need to put in another batch file (say hibernate.bat) should be

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Hibernate

Might be a tad annoying to setup but will work wonders if you need the time granularity that isn't offered by the inbuilt task scheduler.
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