looking for PC games.

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Guys..I'm looking for these games,perhaps you can advice me for free DL for my trial or anything that I can play it firrst..and advice me where I could find its for real official version. Thank u..
Listed was: 1701A.D (GoldEdition), SupremeCommander, AgeOfMythology+TitanExpansion, ArmiesOfExigo, Maelstrom, Wizard'sWarChest, HomeWorld, GroundControls-2, OverLord, DarkHorizon, LostEmpire:Immortal, ImpossibleCreatures, Demigod, BattleForge, Praetorians, Commandos:BEL, TheGodFather-2, TropicoGold, Imperialism-2:AgeOfExploration, TheGoldenHorde, SevenKingdom:Conquest, CommanderInChief, EvilGenius, ConstructionDestruction.
Go to their respective sites for trial versions. Or, if your fingers are strong enough,
1) Type "<name of the game> trial" in the google search bar
2) Click on the relevant link
3) Wait for the page to load
4) If you think you are at the right page, find a download link somewhere and click on it
5) Go have some sleep or food or both
6) Depending on your net speed check back 4 or 5 hours later
7) If done, run the setup
8) ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, you can buy official real version games at
Next World Online: Home - Buy PC and console games online. Sports, action, arcade, strategy games available at discount prices.
eBay India - Online Shopping Mall: Free Auctions, Shop/Buy/Sell Mobiles, Cameras, Apparel, Computers, Bollywood Clothes & Indian Products
Or, walk to the nearest mall, and go to any electronic shop there and buy the game.

See, simple. aint it?!!!!!
ok thnx hellraiser..seems like an efective..mm, those games are expencive..but I just do some few trial from those..thnx again..
nitinveer said:
A big NO for demigod..

demigod is actually kind of fun. it's more forgiving than dota and doesn't share the ridiculous learning curve that dota has. stardock impulse matchmaking is a bit of a hit or miss right now but more often than not you can find lobbies for singapore or australia where the game is fairly playable. another bonus that i seemed to observe is that the community is pretty friendly and mature, unlike the royal dipshits that dota is filled with.
demigod just need some more content ,a new patch is coming (or may be arrived) that will make the game mod-able and hence new items/heroes/maps will flow. Actually i liked the game but the lack of content is surely makes it raw-deal. Btw i tried the game on Hamachii (yes i dont have Original copy ) :P
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