Looking for Software to manage Farming work - Time reporting


Requirement: Manage and get daily reports of employees working in my agricultural fields.

How does one track work done by their employees? I am looking for an Android app for workers to report daily activities. This is basically for farm work. I need the workers to report Milestones like when the Seed was planted. When the seedling was transplanted etc. I also need them to report their daily activities such as where they have done the weeding, harvesting, etc.

Currently, I use ToDoist for assigning work, and they report work completion. What I need is what other activities they are spending their time on. In my work assignment, I do not tell them when and where they should harvest or remove weeds. I use the work assignment for activities such as the Fertilizer Schedule, preventive care schedule, etc using ToDoist.

Also, I need suggestions for keeping track of expenses so that my supervisor can report daily the money received and spent.

If there is an Android app that can do all of the above (Daily Reporting of Time, Expenses Tracking, and Work Assignment) that would be great. I would like to have a free option but I am willing to spend a small premium if necessary. Currently, my team is just one person who is the supervisor who can report on all these aspects. The idea is that the supervisor enters the activity done at the farm executed by him and other temporary farm labour.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
I believe you're looking for something like toggl. I think it can be customized to specifically suit your needs. I used to use it for tracking my general time and figure out what were my biggest time sinks (social media, YouTube and online "window shopping" for books) and I remember using the free version. Don't remember if the teams part is locked behind a paywall, but it's worth checking out. It's very customizable and seems to be exactly what you're looking for
These options are overkill. I work for an ERP company and I know how useless it can be for small businesses. Most businesses do not even use 1% of the software capabilities.

I am looking for simple Android Apps such as Timenotes.io for Timesheet functionality, Todoist for task assignments, and some small app for keeping track of expenses and sales receipts.
Clockify is good for tracking and will give you consolidated report with lots of options to play with. For tasks you can either make them a project or use simple description to write what was done (making them project will be better). I haven't tried there app though, we use desktop client.