Looking for the name of this old cartoon ...

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Long time back around '96-'97 on cartoon network there used to be bugs bunny and daffy duck cartoons.Those old ones real old ones. In between those episodes there used to be a series of cartoons, which were standalone cartoons, they didnt have any daffy or bugs bunny in them but rather they were sort of a satire on the life of people.Damn it I cant remember it properly now.There was a comical narration along with it.As if its a documentary but made in a comical fashion.They were also old cartoons btw. Does anyone know what I am referring to ? I want to know their names or atleast what they were a part of.
You description is seriously vague mate.... something more substantial to it would help us figure out what you're looking for.
^ Yeah I know it is very vague but I cant even remember anything more from it. There used to be time slot for cartoons,like popeye used to run for 30 mins which had 3 short episodes. During the looney tunes show which had bugs and daffy there was a third cartoon (a single episode) placed in between these. I want to know what cartoon is it. I am not sure if it forms the looney tunes collection. So I was wondering if anyone could help me out on this ..:)

I remember only one episode of it. It describes a ship which goes to some icecold place like antarctica, people rush out from it and hit the bars or something.All shot in a documentary like fashion as if made for educational purpose.
I think I know what you mean.... but for love of god, I can't remember the jack of it. Which is why, I was expecting a little more details from you, hoping that you might have little more memory of it. It's all kind of big vague blur in my head. I know it's the same thing, by your description, but seriously... let's hope someone else remember it.
I don't know what you are talking about. :ashamed:

But, I am curious to know why you want to know about those cartoons now after 14-15 years...
I know what you're talking about! Those cartoons which had a narrator narrate the sequence... Didn't have any lead characters. Thats the one? Dunno the name though :|
No not captain planet.This cartoon which I am talking about is like from the 40's something. Its a parody of sorts on life itself. Each episode is a standalone piece. I used to wait for this only, I didnt like the bugs and daffy stuff.

@neha... I never got see it again. Now that there are avenues to search I wanted to know its name. Its a nostalgia thing :)

@bluren ... ditto. You know what I am talking about.No lead characters ... parodies like for example "life in the tundra" .. real facts twisted to form a comedy of sorts.I dont know how to explain it more. But you got it.
^ Yes! I distinctly remember a california sunshine state one...man tehre were lots...that and a blue car, which was used by its owner, then dumped in a junkyard. someone gets it, restores it and happy ending :D
SpaceVoid said:

Long time back around '96-'97 on cartoon network there used to be bugs bunny and daffy duck cartoons.Those old ones real old ones. In between those episodes there used to be a series of cartoons, which were standalone cartoons, they didnt have any daffy or bugs bunny in them but rather they were sort of a satire on the life of people.Damn it I cant remember it properly now.There was a comical narration along with it.As if its a documentary but made in a comical fashion.They were also old cartoons btw. Does anyone know what I am referring to ? I want to know their names or atleast what they were a part of.

hmm , 30 mins of research ( wiki reading :P ) ... i think i found your show . Not sure though

Histeria! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia!



Thats the only two educational show from looney tunes :P
I think I know what you're referring to. They are cartoons by Tex Avery. He first started off with Warner Bros and later moved on to MGM but his cartoons carry this typical style

From Wikipedia:

This is one of the cartoons that Warner would occasionally produce that featured practically none of its stable of characters, just a series of gags, usually based on outrageous stereotypes and plays on words, as a narrator (voice of Robert C. Bruce) describes the action:

Read this article about "Crazy Cruise" and see if its the cartoon that you described earlier: Crazy Cruise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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