PC Peripherals Looking for Transcend 2 * 1 GIG RAM 800 Mhz

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As I cant post in market section due to posting restrictions for new joiners.
This is my heartedly request to the moderators of TechEnclave to allow me to post here in this section or kindly move this to appropriate section. Whichever may be suitable to you!

I wanted to know if anyone can supply me Transcend 2 * 1 GIG RAM 800 Mhz RAM from anywhere in the country or maybe outside India.

I'm from New Delhi, and the price I can get from my dealer is 2200 ..whereas I have seen price floating for this company RAM around 1700-1800.

If you can send me via courier to Delhi , it would be great for me and best thing.

I can pay through Cheque // Bank Deposit // Online Transfer // Paypal .

Looking for offers,

Cassette World, Lamington Road, Mumbai.

2x1GB Transcend 800 MHz = Rs.4000. Was checked on 15th of september. :cool:
nope.....all those prices are for 667Mhz stuff. N even 667Mhz is good enuf i guess. Not that big a performance difference. (Ppl can correct me if i am wrong) :)
Make sure they send you DD2-800 memory and not DDR2-667... many dealers are known to make deliberate mistakes like this ;)
Vivek Punjabi said:
Aree i am asking for the price of 2GB Transcend 667 sticks...not 1gb

Oops, My mistake. Anti-Rep me. :ashamed:

Anyways, I called up 3 well known dealers and they say..."2 GB nahi hai"
I said, "when will it be available?" They say, "No idea".
Checked on ebay, there is one reputed guy selling it for 5490 INR. ;)
coolraghav said:
mera topic hijack karing :D

very fkin confuzion when buyin new pc

if ur still lookin for it:P

2x1gb transcend 800mhz DDR2 i can give at 1800x2 including shippin:cool2:
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