Looking for XP90 & TT Smart Blue LED 92mm Fan & 120mm Fan

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Will have to talk to masky.

Thanks didnt knew sidewinder shipped to india.
also do they ship to home directly , ne chances of stuff getting stopped at customs
and me requiring to go there and pick it from them.

When did masky and rest order recently in the week when i wasnt on TE.
really missed it if they order things from sidewinder currently
I ordered my XP-90c from Sidewinder last month.. at a modest shipping charge they even made a 'home' delivery!!1 but i am perhaps lucky a friend got it from 'home' to here..

can someone.. if possible explain the procedure in brief for ordering stuff from sidewinder..and can iuse hdfc account to deposit/transfer money?? how much shipping you gotta pay..
depensd re, our order aws like 6-7 KGs, so had to shell out 75 USD for the shipping :|
as far as money transfer is concerned, only paypal or western union bank transfer, no indian CCs accepted AFAIK. wesetrn union money transfer too was kinda headace, in the end had to shell out about 45 USd as fees just to transfer the money, coz many ppl were ordering, we split it and its not gonna be that high per person ;)
Ohhh... said:
depensd re, our order aws like 6-7 KGs, so had to shell out 75 USD for the shipping :|
as far as money transfer is concerned, only paypal or western union bank transfer, no indian CCs accepted AFAIK. wesetrn union money transfer too was kinda headace, in the end had to shell out about 45 USd as fees just to transfer the money, coz many ppl were ordering, we split it and its not gonna be that high per person ;)
The site has an AMEX logo on the international page. Does that mean indian amex cards are accepted? (I mean issued in india, valid everywhere like all visas and mcards)
Okey... The Procedure to Deposit the money is tricy...

Firstly... They dont accept accept outside US credit cards... The only one they accept is American express... But the Credit card verification is a pain in the @ss... Literally...

Then comes Western Union... But the problem with Western Union in India is that you can only receive cash and not send cash from India to outside...

The third option is to deposit through Paypal... I havent explored this option yet but i beleive Paypal dosent let you have an Indian Account...

The only workable option is Bank Transfer... But on the bank transfer they charge a premium of $9(Their bank transfer charges)... Well you will say thats it then here comes the shock... The Intermediatery bank charges are $39... And I dont know as of yet but your bank is also(From which you are transfering) will also charge you a little. The second problem with the bank transfer is that the bank requires you to fill in two different froms declareing what is it that you are getting from outside. Also they need a letter from the Peson/Company to whom you are transfering the money stating the reasone why you are doing it. For what purpose is the product required for. Also the bank would need the courier slip when the stuff arrives.

And last but not the least is to deposit the money by sending them a DD/Pay order. But its a long process(Will take time and no security ofcourse)

Hope this helped.

Switch posted 1.93 minutes later:

@bottle BOMBS ON WAY ;)...
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Guys i actually started this thread for asking if someone had a XP 90 with TT SB led92mm for sale but this topic finally turned into getting it from outside.

Still wanted to know if ne one thinking of selling his XP90 with 92mm fan dont forget me.

Else i will have to get the Star Ice which is better than XP90 but Noisy at full speed.
I am using a coolermaster Ultra Vortex - it has a 92 mm fan mounted on top already. The CPU temperature is usually 2 degrees lower than the system temp on no load. and its freely available. I can sell you mine, but you would get a new one easily across the country. as of 120mm FAN. the UV Coolermaster is at 500rs or so..

Its far quieter than Star ICE and Venus 12- i have used both before. and I know what the reviews say. but Star ICE was the worst of the lot. Somehow the heat pipe technology dosent seem to work well when the ambient temperature is high, Like in Bombay
Will let you know later.
if u want to sell it to some one else plz sell it.

i am having not net access at home so a lot of probs
PCJedi said:
I am using a coolermaster Ultra Vortex - it has a 92 mm fan mounted on top already. The CPU temperature is usually 2 degrees lower than the system temp on no load. and its freely available. I can sell you mine, but you would get a new one easily across the country. as of 120mm FAN. the UV Coolermaster is at 500rs or so..

Its far quieter than Star ICE and Venus 12- i have used both before. and I know what the reviews say. but Star ICE was the worst of the lot. Somehow the heat pipe technology dosent seem to work well when the ambient temperature is high, Like in Bombay
It does work... Just that u havent seen thermalright in action ;)
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