Linux Lord Zhopudey Vs Linux: Round 6a (Mandriva)

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Ok, I installed mandriva, and got a funny problem. All windows stick to the top the screen, and I can't minimize or maximize them, or move them around, or switch between apps. :ashamed:
zhopudey said:
Ok, I installed mandriva, and got a funny problem. All windows stick to the top the screen, and I can't minimize or maximize them, or move them around, or switch between apps. :ashamed:

go to configuration thing or the similar that mandriva comes wid.

there is option for 3D effects.

turn off compiz/ or any other effects manager.

had similar prob n i thnk that what i had done :P

effects will work fine if u enable them after installing gfx drivers

incase screen goes blank n u have no resque option...just reboot n at loginscreen... select some other desktop manager...i dont remember which all are there bt selecting desktop manager other than gnome/kde will give u an option to reset 3D settings.

switch back to ur fav desktop manager when u r done wid it. :)
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1. Go to Mandriva Control Center - Configure Media.. Add Full set of sources..

2. Open Add/Remove -> fglrx in search .. Select AMD CC.. that will install all desired drivers..

3. Go to easyurpmi and add plf repo .. Easy Urpmi

4. Install libdvdcss, win32-codecs. real-codecs ... Install Vlc and SMplaer :)
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