:( Losing interest in computers/internet

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vacation is the best thing u can do.take some friends and plan a vacation.believe me even i had the same problem it helps a lot.
Take a bottle drown your sorrows and flood away tomorrow! Everything just works out fine in the end..........go with the flow
friedclyde said:
Take a bottle drown your sorrows and flood away tomorrow! Everything just works out fine in the end..........go with the flow

hahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i agree with u
rent a DVd or two ... The same situation happened to me . Started losing intrest in computers , i had a major caffiene+nicotine addiction . stopped drinking tea and softdrinks , cigarettes down to 6 a day . enjoying work more and more . when you start taking care of your body bit by bit you start feeling good about yourself .

about the girl situation... its been 3 years since me and my gf seperated and i have lost intrest in dating ever since . as a substitute i frag people online on quake 3 .
Times when you feeling down, especially when you are working etc. Comp is the last thing u wanna be near, best things is catch up wid friends either go out, or play some old fashion board games, its awesome fun.
And seriously.....start exercising..... maybe go for a walk or go swimming (maybe when the weather gets warmer), go to the gym, etc...

Exercise is a great stress reliever. To make it more enjoyable, listen to some of your favourite music while exercising....
lol thanks guyz for everwhelming response!! i may get new rig which may bring my craze back and yeah kick boxing?? :P hmm and ill try little porn..

as ppl suggested... ive went to cruise party and then went for very long drive at 1am today to lonavala (Whole night out) it was awesome fun.. but still didnt bring the same old interest for my pc :P

came home at 8 thought. now im tired. time to sleep
ROFL @ Masky's edit question :rofl:

BTW, i agree with Nikhil again, get a GF if you think its good for the both of ya..

beast dude, Computers and the internet _were_ your hobbies, now you've just moved on.. just make sure your new hobby is useful.. like Nikhil said, get a little exercise done.. you spend your time AND you get to be in good shape..

or do something simple.. read a book.. paint a picture (sincere paintings, dont "simply" paint) get into photography.. but whatever you do, do it sincerely.. :)
and IMO p0rn is a waste of time ;)
hmmm.....it happens...yaar..dnt worry..go and enjoy..some new year bash..or party somewhere..and..losing.. a gal..is not the end of life..i knw..how it feels..but still..and dnt worry ..as time passes by..things.will get back..to normal.. i knw.i am too small.to suggest things to u guys..hmmm..one more thing..pron really is a waste of time..IMO...maybe watch some good movie..like ROCKY 6 ..or anything..else..and..if nothing works..come and meet..me u will laugh..out as u would have never done..b4..cauz..sometimes me really..behaves like a 8yr old..lol....
hi guyz, amazing replies.. i just woke up.. im gonna start gyming on 2nd (if im not lazy). anyone wana join with me?? oh this is so amazing. i am thinking of flying kites everyday cause of the kite flying season coming soon..this is the only 2nd festival i enjoy sincerely. and its one of my hobbies.. and i am happy again but lost interest against computers/internet.. cant sit on comp for long still :(
Dude.... give ur self sometime n yeah Gym or any other outdoor sport is a nice healthy way to keep ur mind off from anything for 1-2 hours :D

As for Kick-Boxing Muttster can give ya pointers.. :)

About me, If I am home on sundays I go off to play Volleyball wid my friends from Bandra @ Railway Colony, Carter Road

Good to go back to game I used to play in school :P
I don't know why, but whenever I'm depressed, and start watching porn, all else seems too little to bother for....
Vince said:
ROFL @ Masky's edit question :rofl:

BTW, i agree with Nikhil again, get a GF if you think its good for the both of ya..

beast dude, Computers and the internet _were_ your hobbies, now you've just moved on.. just make sure your new hobby is useful.. like Nikhil said, get a little exercise done.. you spend your time AND you get to be in good shape..

or do something simple.. read a book.. paint a picture (sincere paintings, dont "simply" paint) get into photography.. but whatever you do, do it sincerely.. :)
and IMO p0rn is a waste of time ;)
The hell it is !
start playing some online manager type of games :-D

soccer management .. cricket management ... etc
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