Car & Bike Lost my Bike's RC , what to do now ??

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Mr India

guys im in big big trouble . i seem to have lost my bikes registration certi . i used my bike only for very short distances n dont have puc certi as well and my insurance lapsed 3 months ago . now how do i get my RC copy made ?? i live in gurgaon n bke ws registered and purchased frm here only .
i have found 1 old photocopy of it ... any1 knw process to get dupli made ... frnd said its long n tedios process to get various forms etc frm the govt. offices
Go to the RTO and get a duplicate issued. You can also try approaching driving schools and getting it done through them
1. go to police station and file an fir. get the fir certificate.
2. along with your id proof, address proof and the noc from bank if its on loan, file an application for lost rc at rta.
3. get the new rc. thats how it happens in hyd. total cost would be around 600 if you go yourself, brokers ask around 3k. total time would be around 1-2weeks.
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