Lost Planet Extreme Condition

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Well finaly got lost planet extreme condition DX9 demo will soon have the game just kept for dling some 0.9% is completed since its a 7.35gb iso will be done with that game in few weeks till then i dled the demo of 364mb from GamersHell.com - gh3d.com:. PC, PS2, PS3, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Wii / Revolution, PSP, NDS. News, Reviews, Cheats and FREE game Downloads. - GamersHell.com

the good news is that the game is pretty simple and true to its X360 game
its an exact port i mean they havent changed the display keys its displays press B:button to get in to mechs and all that kinda stuff

the demo is pretty simple 2 level so u get the idea on how the game is
the creatures look pretty ok, lightings is also good snow looks mindblowing
and the best best part is that i finished the demo in 1 hr :yahoo:

heres the screeshot that i could get

dont be surprised at the FPS i got even lower FPS than this when there was huge explosion and giant creatures approaching towards me
Switch said:
dont you think you are a little late... check out the TE's post your ingame screenshots thread ;)

i know the game was launched on 26th june its just that i got max 7 FPS thts all and the least was 1.45 FPS but still i completed the demo :hap2:
^Simple he enjoyed & completed it.;) There are some who derive pleasure of just getting to run the game then be it lowest of frame rates.I was one victim when I stress tested HL2 @1600x1200 resolution on my crappy onboard just for the sake of it & still got some 15-20fps outdoors I guess & was just cruising through the game.:)
I wud get a headache if I played thru a demo with anyth below 10... n hell he is talking of max 7 fps....average must be lot lesser...
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