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The scenario that you have described isn't a realistic one.

What is irritable to one person, may not so for another. May be you have seen some cases of RTI being misused but, mind you, that is just your way seeing things, your perspective.

That which you called misuse may not be a misuse after all for some other guy who seriously wanted help (This doesn't refer to the scenario you described but to one which you may have seen for yourself.).

blr_p said:
That's the whole crux of your argument isn't it :)

In your eyes, misuse if RTI outbeats legitimate applications and then you extrapolate your personal experience for the whole of the country. So since you make this claim, can you point to any credible sources to strengthen your position ? -- that in total of all RTI applications filed, majority were to harrass & waste time. Then define what 'harass' and 'waste time' means. What exactly constitutes 'misuse' of RTI ?

If possible also can you show whether western countries with similar Freedom of Information legislation manage do it any differently. Show how they cut down on time waste.

Yes, you need to make your case robustly because what you want amounts to diluting rights accorded to the people. You would rather have right-to-ignore act :)

All of it is spec'd in the RTI Act, there should be provisions therein it to cater to this sort of abuse.

Most of what you say is correct.

kestrel5915 said:

The scenario that you have described isn't a realistic one.
It may not be exactly matched,but the same is happening the way i described.
What is irritable to one person, may not so for another. May be you have seen some cases of RTI being misused but, mind you, that is just your way seeing things, your perspective.
What i say is also look at the -ve side too.
and never meant that it is totally misused.
Even my self i got the land registration done properly by getting the previous track record of the land using RTI.
A much as I knw there r certain sections & departments about which info. can't be given bcoz there termed as high priority or not to be exploited.
I go to local police station and ask for voluminous information asking for how many cases are filed in past 5 years and what is the status of all pending cases and reasons for pending cases and also how the funds are used.
all these information is not of use to me,but i want to trouble them.
I simply say in public interest i need this information just paying only 10/-(ofcourse we need not cite reason for RTI).
so,they should leave the law and order to god and keep digging for the information for weeks together.
This would be the cases if one person files RTI.but what would be the situation of that department if these requests increases.
They should remove the Police station board and keep RTI Information cell.
Well, they better get cracking as Section 4 of the act requires them to do so anyway. If this info is prepared then any number of ppl requesting it in the future will get it promptly without any problem or extra cost to the public authority concerned. So the solution is to plan for & organise the info that ought to be public knowledge instead of trying to amend the Act.

Failure to do so of course implies something is fishy, exactly what this Act was designed to expose.

Even an employee of the same department who has access to all the information he needs can file RTI who intends to trouble his boss.The RTI commission supports even such nonsense.
The media people approach bureaucrats and trouble them this way regularly if these bureaucrats don't bribe them.
The even worse they go is for sting operation and ask for even more ransom else they would be telecast.
same is the case with politicians who trouble the bureaucrats who doesn't favor them.
What about in genuine cases ?

The value of resolving genuine cases far outweighs frivolous use. That's why this 'nonsense' is permitted. Quite obvious you either fail to or refuse to see this point.

If you still want to know real-time issues how RTI was misused;how?where and when you can call me(its getting lengthy).
One hopes you have better arguments than the ones put forward so far as they have very little merit.

first thing that should be changed is,who ever requests for the information they should provide proper reasons for what and why they need this information is for.
Act specifies very explicitly that no reason is to be given. I wonder why :)
In case if the reason is sensitive are secret,they should get the permission from secretariat for that. Denial power should also be given if they have a valid causes for why they should not be given or unable to give the requested information.
If the commission considers the reason is justified,they can reject the request.

This would help the act to some extent.
This is what Section 8 is for. Unless you fall within it you better spit out the info in 30 days :)

It's mind boggling that this leglislation ever got passed in this country !!!
I go to local police station and ask for voluminous information asking for how many cases are filed in past 5 years and what is the status of all pending cases and reasons for pending cases and also how the funds are used.
all these information is not of use to me,but i want to trouble them.
I simply say in public interest i need this information just paying only 10/-(ofcourse we need not cite reason for RTI).
so,they should leave the law and order to god and keep digging for the information for weeks together.
This would be the cases if one person files RTI.but what would be the situation of that department if these requests increases.
They should remove the Police station board and keep RTI Information cell.

Why should this 5 year information be labeled as useless. The police station should have some staff dedicated to this. It's not that the people involved in patrolling duty for example would be writing the response for the RTI.

Moreover this is also good as if simple information like this takes them weeks, probably with RTI they will also improve their data management.

Moreover, why would people make useless RTI claims.

I have found that this forces the goverment officials to work and sometimes without the bribe as well so they are not happy with this.

Maybe an example of a completely useless RTI application would help. The 5 year one is not useless because it would give an idea of how the police was working in those 5 years.
I have found that this forces the goverment officials to work and sometimes without the bribe as well so they are not happy with this.
I've heard its the opposite, instead they bribe you to not make the RTI :lol: