LOTR and all the various parts

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Hi, Guys.
Me back again..... :cool2:
This thread is dedicated to all the LOTR Fans...I guess Not Many of us Have read All The parts Written By JRR Tolkein and the ones edited by his Son......

So why dont we collect ours Knowledge abt JRR and the lords and the elves......Really their world is fascinating....

lol sounds like a History Class....ppl whi have not read yet....take some time and ya will like it for sure

Anyway My Fave Character is Gandalf and Turin Turambar..... ;)

hellscream666 posted 9.43 minutes later:

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Hmm its Aragorn, I have just Read the triology along with The Hobbit, and its truly a classic piece of Literature.
My fav is Aragorn....

and I have read all the 3 books(not been able to get my hands on a copy of the Hobbit though). But I read them quite some time back. I find that while the third book is the best, the first books drags a lot. Especially with all the damn elvish songs and all that.

But otherwise, I really like it. I borrowed the 3 books again from a friend and planned to read them all over again. But I am finding it difficult to read it as it is slow.....

Anyway, let my exams get over..... I will surely read them again.....

My fav part is the battle of Minas Tirith....
hellscream666 said:
Yeah Hobbit is a Bit boring....
But If ya cen lay ur hands then get " Unfinished Tales" really awsome
"Unfinished Tales"? I saw that title at the British library today, but i dint borrow as I dint know abt it.
I have read all the three books in LOTR and all the 6 books in HP. Also all the three movies in both LOTR and HP.

Movies-->LOTR is better.
Books--> HP is better.

LOTR is actually little boring to read, Hp is not like tht, from page 1 till end, it's exiting..
man Read that Book.....its really cool.....I did not lke the last part of HP...
anyway if ya wanna find out who is Gandalf and where he came from....Read that and the Silmarion
if u really want to know about JRRTs world, read "The Silmarillion". Most would consider this book quite boring, so i recommend it only to die-hard LOTR fans.

It contains, in full, details of:
-the creation of the world and its various races
-origins of the Valar
-details about Morgoth (of whom Sauron was but a servant)
-the lay of Luthien and Beren One-Handed
-the Silmarillion, forged by FÑ‘anor
-lots more
Yup Ein is Rite....It is a Bit Bewildering at the beginning....but if ya can read that book alsong with Unfinished tales.....
Ya will See How Sauron came to power...
who are the Kings of old...
Who Are numenor igs....
Mostly who are Tuor and Turin
They are one of the crucial part of the book....without them....no Lord of the Rings
hellscream666 said:
anyway if ya wanna find out who is Gandalf and where he came from....Read that and the Silmarion
I did not find anything about gandalfs origin in the Silmarillion. It just says in a few lines that the wizards come down to middle earth to fight against the dark forces. They take the form of old men with long beards. There are 9 wizards, (or maybe it was 7 - and only 3 are mentioned in LOTR), and saruman is the White Wizard - the head of the council.
drgrudge said:
the 6 books in HP.

HUH??? 6 books??? DUDE!!! the 6th book is to be released on 16th July..... :rofl:

Movies-->LOTR is better.
Books--> HP is better.

LOTR is actually little boring to read, Hp is not like tht, from page 1 till end, it's exiting..

So true!!! I also feel the same way.....but in my opinion, the HP movies SUCK big time!!!! I hate them as much as I love the books.

And the LOTR movies are amazing..... really good. The problem is that after the movies, the books seem tame....
Yes, HP movies SUCK!!!!! Mainly because of the acting. Danille sleepwalks thru the entire movie.
" U are a wizard!" - deadpan expression
" Ur parents were murdered!" - deadpan expression
" I am going to kill you!" - deadpan expression

GOD!!!! Put some emotions on his face!!!!
HM LOTR books tame !!! They are one of the best pieces of literature, the movie comes near but yet is not able to capture the entire essence of Tolkien's world. If you find Tolkien slow wonder how you will react to reading Wheel of Time series. Another good series atleast the first 4 books.
NO NO .....

I do not mean that they are tame.... I meant that after the movies(which were really fast paced) the books SEEM tame and slow. I know it is not(especially after the first book). I feel that the FellowShip or the ring is the most boring among the three..... The Two Towers and The Return of the King are much much better and fast paced.....

@zhopudey ---- It is not only Daniel. All the three. And in the first movie.... remember that scene in the hospital wing when Dumbledore eats a Bertie's Every flavour beans and gets an earwax flavoured one?? That scene looks so bad in the movie. No expression on his face at all.....

And this is just one example..... all the three movies suck. I do not have high hopes from the GoF.
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I believe Mira Nair will be directing one of the Harry Potter movies, I somehow like dth eHarry Potter movies, regarding the books like the first 2 books after that I feel Rowling tries to venture a genre which she is not very comfortable. I feel she is better of writing children books, her etching of characters or the enviroment lacks the details which a good fantasy novel should have.
NOONE I repeat NO ONE will be able to make the HP as acceptable to us die hard HP fans.....

Anyway we are going off topic. continue this in the HP thread......
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