Since a week or more, I'm getting lots of BSOD when I run some program or start installing something... It is something like Memory Dump.. It just flashes and Computer reboots..
I dont know what it is, I googled for it.. it says mostly problem with RAM.. How do I confirm if it's related with RAM?
Is there any way to skip these kinda errors??
I was using XP when I started getting it, now I am on Windows Vista Ultimate (x86)
My config. -
Core2Duo E4600
Abit IP35-E
G.Skill PI Black 2x2GB DDR2 800MHz
POV 8800GT Gfx Card
POV 500w Black diamond..
Since a week or more, I'm getting lots of BSOD when I run some program or start installing something... It is something like Memory Dump.. It just flashes and Computer reboots..
I dont know what it is, I googled for it.. it says mostly problem with RAM.. How do I confirm if it's related with RAM?
Is there any way to skip these kinda errors??
I was using XP when I started getting it, now I am on Windows Vista Ultimate (x86)
My config. -
Core2Duo E4600
Abit IP35-E
G.Skill PI Black 2x2GB DDR2 800MHz
POV 8800GT Gfx Card
POV 500w Black diamond..