Lots of BSOD, RAM gone??

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Since a week or more, I'm getting lots of BSOD when I run some program or start installing something... It is something like Memory Dump.. It just flashes and Computer reboots..

I dont know what it is, I googled for it.. it says mostly problem with RAM.. How do I confirm if it's related with RAM?

Is there any way to skip these kinda errors??

I was using XP when I started getting it, now I am on Windows Vista Ultimate (x86)

My config. -
Core2Duo E4600
Abit IP35-E
G.Skill PI Black 2x2GB DDR2 800MHz
POV 8800GT Gfx Card
POV 500w Black diamond..
The Details of BSOD Problem I get,

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	BlueScreen
  OS Version:	6.0.6000.
  Locale ID:	1033

Additional information about the problem:
  BCCode:	50
  BCP2:	00000000
  BCP4:	00000000
  OS Version:	6_0_6000
  Service Pack:	0_0
  Product:	256_1

Files that help describe the problem:

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Try using memtest and get an alternative stick of ram from someone. You can try upping the volts on the ram by 0.1 and then see. Try using 1 stick of RAM at a time and identifying the faulty stck or maybe different memory slots.
H2O said:
Try using memtest and get an alternative stick of ram from someone. You can try upping the volts on the ram by 0.1 and then see. Try using 1 stick of RAM at a time and identifying the faulty stck or maybe different memory slots.

+1 ...memtest is the way to go...instant results if problem with mem
Hey, rahul,, try reinstalling the Operating system,, and chk.. bcoz sometimes this error is caused due to some corrupt files in the windows folder which is conflicting with the hardware..
First thing to do is to study the damn bsod.

While booting press F8 before the windows logo and select "disable restart on system failure".

Now whenever you get a bsod it wont restart after creating the dump.

see what it says, does it give out a file name like tcpip.sys or IRQL not less or equal or something else..
IF memtest is giving errors, that implies the ram is screwed...So no point in reinstallin the OS.I'm sure you'll have problems installing the OS(XP or Vista or Linux) if your RAM is faulty...It would give many different types of errors.I had experienced the same problems before.
look at the post dates guys,..it has been about a month since this problem was posted by Rahulrulez.

i am guessing...the problem is solved?
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