It was the first time that I had set my sight on her. Her eyes, her hair, her smile, that beautiful laugh, even that big nose looked awfully cute to me, all of them would suddenly dissolve everything in the surroundings so that I can see them and only them. Hours, days, weeks of wondering how to talk to her, how to approach her without getting off on a bad impression, how to impress her, crack the not-so-silly jokes to make her laugh, help her out with lessons and assignments, wait till the end of class to walk out with her.
It changes you, brings out a YOU which you yourself hadn’t known previously. You try to stop your bad habits, be good to everything and everybody. You become happy, and even at the silliest things, smile(and look like a jack-ass, day-dreamer!). When she reciprocates everything you do for her, it becomes the best thing in your life, something which you keep thinking of long after it happened. It refuses to go, and you refuse to let it.
And then comes the sleep, or lack thereof. “You know you are in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.†Her thoughts haunt you, in a way you like, and want all the time, all the time wondering what you would tell her, how you would make her happy, smile, be happy that you accomplished that, also thinking if she thinks about all this too, or is it just you going nuts!
Something about this thing called love, it allows you to talk using your eyes(yes, I mean even Star Trek didn’t have that! Or did it?). It’s not the perfect person who you fall in love with, it’s the imperfect person whose little imperfections seem perfect to you. Yes, love is this kind of a feeling.![]()
It keeps you up till 4am at night, wondering if you should call her, or just let her be. Your heart really skips a beat when you do call, and she picks up saying, “I was thinking about you.†True, “Love is the irresistible desire to be desired irresistibly.“
This is the kind of feeling Love is. It’s hard to express it in words, it can’t be justified, to be quite honest, in words. It can only come this close. And when someone looks into your eyes, and says those 3 words we’ve heard again and again in life, but this time, not in a movie, not casually, but with every intent and emotion, it sweeps you off the floor, everytime. “A simple I love you means more than money.“
Oh and when the fights happen, it feels like the earth itself has started sulking. Everything looks gloomy, everything is not at all exciting. Nothing picks your interest, your mind refuses to stop thinking, never clear. True, Love can hurt a lot, sometimes, but “There is no remedy for love but to love more“.
I recently read this book by an Indian Author named Ravinder Singh, it’s titled I Too Had a Love Story. Actually I read it yesterday and finished it today(because I just couldn’t stop reading it!). It’s nothing exceptional, the writing, but the story, it’s soo gripping, I just had to read and continue to find out what happens. The end is heartbreaking, and it pained me for many hours after I read the book, and to find out it’s based on a TRUE Story.
I have to agree, “To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven.“ My mom and dad have a love story, but that will have to wait for some other time.
Wanted to share this with all you guys. Put in your own love story if you wish, on this thread or over at the comments.
Do tell me what you think of the writing, the blog, everything!