I need a few microSD cards for projects that involve data sizes from a few MBs to a few GBs.
Unfortunately, low capacity cards are practically non-existent online nowadays. Buying multiple cards of 32-64GB feels wasteful. Some devices don't even recognise them.
So, if you have some low-capacity cards lying around and are willing to sell them for a nominal price (plus shipping), please let me know.
I'd prefer it if they're of known brands like SanDisk, Samsung, HP, Transcend, Lexar, etc.
Unfortunately, low capacity cards are practically non-existent online nowadays. Buying multiple cards of 32-64GB feels wasteful. Some devices don't even recognise them.
So, if you have some low-capacity cards lying around and are willing to sell them for a nominal price (plus shipping), please let me know.
I'd prefer it if they're of known brands like SanDisk, Samsung, HP, Transcend, Lexar, etc.
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