M$ introduces the The Xbox360 ELITE, Sony Responds.

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IGN: Back in Black: Elite 360 Confirmed

US, March 27, 2007 - In what appears to be Microsoft's standard cart-before-the-horse style of information delivery, the leading console manufacturer of this generation confirmed nearly all of the rumors preceding today's announcement of the new black, HDMI-enabled Xbox 360 Elite.

Dubbed the Xbox 360 Elite (not the "Zephyr" as had been rumored), the new black, $479.99 Xbox 360 comes bundled with a 120GB hard drive, has an HDMI port, and will ship to the US and Canada Sunday, April 29, 2007, Microsoft told IGN today in an interview over the phone.

The new "Elite" console contains the same parts, processors and chips as the Core and Pro units, and has the same dimensions, only it's got an HDMI port on its back-side (in addition to the standard RGB port) and comes with a 120GB hard disc drive (HDD), cables and headset, all in black.

"And for a unit that's got twice the hard drive storage space as the PS3, comes with an HDMI cable, an Ethernet cable and a headset, it's still $120 cheaper than the $599.99 high-end PlayStation 3," said Albert Penello, Microsoft's director of global platform marketing.

A standalone $179.99 HDD also ships April 29. This package includes one 120GB HDD, software, and a specialized cable to port data from a user's current hard drive to the new one. To complement the new black console, Microsoft will also ship a wireless black controller (MSRP $49.99), a black Play and Charge Kit ($19.99), and a standalone rechargeable battery pack ($11.99) on April 29, also in black.

"The Elite is not a limited edition. It's permanent. And we will not replace any sku," Penello explained when referring to the flurry of rumors preceeding the official announcement. "We now have three SKUs and we predict the primary seller will continue to be the Pro system."

Penello also addressed concerns the new bigger hard drive might lead game developers to require it as a standard. "We won't force experiences that require the new HDD. Games will still be optimized around the 20GB experience. Nobody will be forced to buy a new drive."

Microsoft has no plans to offer rebates, discounts, or free trade-ins for loyal early adopters. When asked how he thought gamers would respond to the new higher-priced addition, Penello said, "I think and hope that people are going to understand. There is as price for being an early adopter and your points and feelings are valid (Penello said when referring to gamers IGN suggested would be angry about the new system). But whenever you innovate and change, you have to face this situation. Your same old system is still perfectly valid. Think about it this way, it's a new bundle that comes with a bigger hard drive."

When IGN asked why the launch system didn't come with a larger hard drive and an HDMI port, Penello explained: "We could never have done this before, to bring HMDI and 120 GB to the system when we launched in 2005. The reason we didn't do it before was because the HDMI standard wasn't complete. It takes time to develop these things. We started the console earlier than Sony did and when the HDMI standard wasn't done. At the time we were developing, this stuff was in transition."

IGN suggested to Penello that gamers might become skeptical about buying an Xbox 360 because of the introduction to this new system. Many gamers are already skeptical the existing systems aren't reliable, as they have witnessed countless stories of broken 360s only one and a half years since the launch in November 2005. Why should they buy a new system now, if for some new reason, Microsoft decides to create a new system a year and a half from now?

"Should we just ignore new technology? Or listen to the input we hear from gamers and address it? If some new technology comes out, I'm going to have to look at that. We're trying something new."
Sony Responds to Xbox 360 Elite Announcement - Xbox

Sony :
Ahead of the official announcement, Sony has responded to Microsoft's Xbox 360 Elite. Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment America, said:

"We think every PlayStation 3 owner should have an “elite†experience, which is why we include an internal hard drive and HDMI output in every PS3 we sell, along with the 50 GB of storage capacity on a high definition Blu-ray disc. Sony has been the strongest advocate of high definition as the future of next-generation gaming. This requires high-definition components, including HDMI output, and large storage devices to deliver and store all that rich and vivid HD content. Microsoft’s announcement today not only legitimizes Sony’s PS3 strategy, it moves us closer to adopting universal standards in the area of high definition gaming that will benefit game developers and ultimately the end user."

"The new "Elite" console contains the same parts, processors and chips as the Core and Pro units"

If that's the case then this sucks!!

But still it's a good thing that they are offering HDMI cable with it (unlike sony).
arrow055 said:
"The new "Elite" console contains the same parts, processors and chips as the Core and Pro units"

If that's the case then this sucks!!

But still it's a good thing that they are offering HDMI cable with it (unlike sony).

I dont think changing the core parts like processor would be an option here as the console is supposed to be a standard unit (The best advantage of a console in fact)..

Only things they can increase are things like connectivity, memory etc..
And Sony finally consoles themselves in knowing that they aren't the only ones ripping off stuff from the others.

I'll repeat, the Elite is absolute BS. People expecting the sky from it when it comes to playing games itself are in for a huge disapointment.
Also...I don trust M$ now....dunno if we buy Elite....then they mite come up with "Super-Elite"...or "version 2"...does it really comes to this low...dat the consoles have to come in versions....Come on!!!
Alias said:
I dont think changing the core parts like processor would be an option here as the console is supposed to be a standard unit (The best advantage of a console in fact)..

Only things they can increase are things like connectivity, memory etc..

Xbox has a crappy processor that is famous for going kaput.I was hoping they would fix that.
Also...I don trust M$ now....dunno if we buy Elite....then they mite come up with "Super-Elite"...or "version 2"...does it really comes to this low...dat the consoles have to come in versions....Come on!!!

I guess that means you lost faith in Sony a long time ago when they came out with the PSX, right?
Ck Nish said:
I guess that means you lost faith in Sony a long time ago when they came out with the PSX, right?

Don't bother. The guy (xxx) is a retard or a troll. Companies redesign consoles all the time. The PS2 came out as a slimline version with a network adapter added on. The DS came out as a DS lite with a significantly better battery. It happens all the time.
PS3 is a clear winner here, Microsoft themselves have proved this. The price tag of 480$ for X360 Elite without any HD DVD ROM wen compared 600$ PS3 doesn't sounds good. Its just a matter of time when PS3 reigns supreme!!
arrow055 said:
Xbox has a crappy processor that is famous for going kaput.I was hoping they would fix that.

I suppose things could get a lil better with 45nm but then its microsoft after all..

where would they be without their famous BSOD or machine hangs?? :P
They should've halved the HDD size(80GB instead of 160Gb) and instead, replaced the DVD drive with the HD-DVD one. That would have made a ton more sense.
^^ Why would they repeat the same mistake that sony made.Unless HD dvd discs are widely available, HD-DVD drive on xbox would make no sense.

Alias said:
I suppose things could get a lil better with 45nm but then its microsoft after all..

where would they be without their famous BSOD or machine hangs?? :P

Ck Nish said:
They should've halved the HDD size(80GB instead of 160Gb) and instead, replaced the DVD drive with the HD-DVD one. That would have made a ton more sense.
Well, look at this way. Microsoft is keepings its options open without including a HD DVD player along with the console. So hence even in the future if they lose out for the format wars, they have a play in the console wars.. Its always business thinking here.. :P

Especially since they are an OS based company they have to support Blue Ray on the VISTA & XP machines too..;)

Anyhow, what i hope to see is the Core system being shown its way out and premium system taking over the 299$ price core system..

Now, that there is a truly VFM system and would really turn the heat on the console wars!:)
^^The direct competition is selling rather poorly due to its high price point, the Wii might not continue doing its stratospheric sales once the novelty wears off and the titles slow down to a trickle, whereas MS is right on track for its 12mn sales target, i don't see why would anyone reduce prices and incur more losses. Though it might happen if ps3 has good sales this summer and holiday season but until then........
Why would they repeat the same mistake that sony made

How many more times do I have to say this. The X360 is not for gamers. It's being designed as a media centric console. But Alias is right, MS isn't ready yet to take a risk making HD-DVD a standard with their consoles.
Blade_Runner said:
^^The direct competition is selling rather poorly due to its high price point, the Wii might not continue doing its stratospheric sales once the novelty wears off and the titles slow down to a trickle, whereas MS is right on track for its 12mn sales target, i don't see why would anyone reduce prices and incur more losses. Though it might happen if ps3 has good sales this summer and holiday season but until then........

Yup, a stronger showing from PS3 would mean a price drop from the Microsoft camp.. Till then they can keep this price for better profits. :(
Microsoft’s upcoming Xbox 360 Elite supports the HDMI 1.2 specification, unlike Sony’s PS3, which is HDMI 1.3 compliant. When connected to an HDTV set with HDMI input, the Xbox 360 will automatically select the appropriate video output resolution up to 1080p. Users cannot manually force resolutions as the Xbox 360 relies on HDMI handshaking to select a suitable resolution.

HDMI audio output remains crippled with the Xbox 360 Elite. The Xbox 360 Elite, even when connected to HDMI will not output uncompressed multi-channel audio. Xbox 360 HD DVD users hoping to enjoy the full glory of lossless HD DVD audio formats via HDMI should look elsewhere.

“If you are keen on having 5.1 PCM output, I recommend purchasing the Toshiba A2 player which after the price drop, will be much cheaper than Elite,” said Majidimehr. When connected to an HDMI home theater receiver capable of processing audio over HDMI, the Xbox 360 will continue to output Dolby Digital, DTS or WMA-Pro to compatible receivers. Dolby Digital Plus and TrueHD audio tracks will continue to be down mixed and output no different from the Xbox 360 Core or Premium systems.

Nevertheless, the Xbox 360 Elite can output 2-channel PCM audio over HDMI. “Our goal was to provide a digital connection for video which people wanted for some of their TVs. And of course, single cable A/V connection. So if having analog video bothered you before, you can now use digital. If you lacked component/VGA on your TV, you are in business with Xbox 360 Elite.”

Expect a spring HD DVD software update to introduce DTS audio output capabilities to existing Xbox 360 Core and Premium systems. Majidimehr also promises the spring update will address the HD DVD lip-synchronization issues.

DailyTech - Xbox 360 Elite HDMI Output Details Revealed
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