Macbook air m2 16/256gb is currently available for ₹85k including card offer.
Is it a good deal?
Do you think there will be better deals in the future? If there is suggest some ideas. Can wait for a long time.
Budget less than ₹1L
Use case: Primarily Lightroom, Premiere pro and Davinci (4k 60fps 5 min edits).
Planning to use external ssd to edit footages. Any hassle with this?
Could have gone with 8gb m1 air for lightroom only but for video edit 16gb might not be enough also!
Is it a good deal?
Do you think there will be better deals in the future? If there is suggest some ideas. Can wait for a long time.
Budget less than ₹1L
Use case: Primarily Lightroom, Premiere pro and Davinci (4k 60fps 5 min edits).
Planning to use external ssd to edit footages. Any hassle with this?
Could have gone with 8gb m1 air for lightroom only but for video edit 16gb might not be enough also!