It stems partly from the need for self-justification and potentially vague sense of superiority that some Android (and FOSS) users get out of making fun of alternates :yum:
There is a repeating theme on TE (as well as many other places) where a iOS (or Mac OS thread) will almost always derail into this.
I cant recall seeing a discussion thread on S24U or pixel Pro (or XPS/ Lenovo X1 for that matter) being visited by proselytising Mac OS or iOS users and replete with disparaging comments on Android - or how Mac OS or iOS is so much more powerful/better/ capable than windows or droid.
The reverse unfortunately is true almost every single time .
This vague and weird smugness is best characterized by this statement below:
So people who pay for any software inherently lack any kind of technical proficiency?
Pray tell me what desktop OS you use.
PS: [USER=91963]@kiran6680[/USER] Are you in college/ fresh out of college? I will completely get your POV if that is true