Mac OS Macintosh

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Friends i m new user of macbook and i want to know that how to install macintosh operating system ,..
can any body help me how to install step by step completely...i will be thatkful..
from where can i download its applications..
thanks ..
^ Yep... I don't understand the OP, it comes pre-installed... and as matter of fact, even if he wants to re-install, OSX installation is easy as eating pie. :P
Or probably he doesn't own a MacBook, but is thinking that installing OS X makes a laptop a MacBook, and hence wants to know the steps to do so.
1) Bootup MacBook with ALT/OPTION Pressed

2) You will see all the OS'es on the drive

3) Eject any CD/DVD using the eject key and pop-in your OSX DVD

4) Wait for the bootloader to show OSX CD on screen

5) Select CD and press enter

Follow prompts
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