Made a new Quake 3 video

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i cant watch it :(

single link download limits and streaming doesnt work

can anyone upload to rapidshare in 100mb parts :D
SharekhaN said:
ashr, have you given any thought playing tf2. I would advise you atleast try once.

tried for a week. hated it. uninstalled. although i might install again to make a movie out of it. i love the way it looks and the source engine is great for making videos.
maybe an indian tf2 community vid if a lot of people have demos ;)
sure. show me.
btw, is the scene in India active? i might reinstall TF2 if a lot of people play. i didn't spend enough time with it i guess. initial impression was a huge letdown after seeing all those teaser videos. i could get on if you'd guide me through it.

is it competitive (requiring tactics and skill) or just a fun ffa kinda game?
TF2 in India is picking up but will take time to reach the popularity of CS or Q3.. But I do hope that you reinstall the game and make a movie :D Not seen a good tf2 movie since the reptile vid
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