Made an iPhone Game

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My iphone game finally got accepted into the App Store :clap:

Here are the links:
Video: YouTube - Swipeball for iPhone
iTunes Link: iTunes Store
Let me know your feedback on how i can improve the game and video. Also if possible write a reviewfor me. Need atleast a few reviews before I send to bloggers to review the application.
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Nice Work.


1. Add some funky background music

2. A more colourful theme

3. An attractive start/splash screen

4. A Hi-score section
Yeah hi-score section is a good idea to increase engagement. Will add it when I do the next update.
Great work frosty, you got a team working on it or just you ??? either way it's a brilliant effort.

I was sort of intrested in the iphone development scene too, but still working on getting my c basics sorted. I'll be picking your brains once thats done :P
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