MAFIA II ~Discussion Thread~

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My friend just completed it and told me that it doesn't stand up to the standards of Mafia 1. Cant wait to get my hands on it and try it out.
If I buy this game. How much downloading do I need to do ?

I am feeling bad that this is a steam game as my internet connection s**ks and I can't wait a few days to download all those updates.

If necessary I will have to go with the *ahem* version only because I wont have to download stuff, which is a shame as I always like to buy worthwhile games.
Always help legit guys. Do this

Just buy the retail version and the game will install without having to wait for massive downloads except the updates.

Or buy the game via steam, and install the ahem version without doing the crk thingy. Easy as pie. :)
i just completed the "stairway to heaven" mission...its so awesome..anyone played the Mafia earlier will understand what do I mean.after chapter11 game become super much of plot twist and dynamic story keep you in edge..
jojothedragon said:
Always help legit guys. Do this
Just buy the retail version and the game will install without having to wait for massive downloads except the updates.
Or buy the game via steam, and install the ahem version without doing the crk thingy. Easy as pie. :)
Well I did as you suggested and bought the legit version. :)

It was the biggest mistake I made. My internet connection is giving me more trouble than lately and it kills me that I cannot play the game because Steam wont allow me.

Anyways I have learned my lesson. Always stick with *Ahem* versions of Steam games. Will buy original version of non steam games. If game developers decide to use Steam then I dont wish to support them and buy the game legally.

I wish the game developers would offer a non Steam version of the game for a higher price. I would pay 900 bucks for Mafia II if there was a non steam version.

I bought the game 7 days ago but I was able to play it for only 1 day. My internet connection is slow but it allows me to visit TE and other websites. But as we speak I simply cannot logon to Steam and hence I cannot play an offline game.

I still remember the time I switched to original games because *ahem* games were too much of a hassle. Now the roles are actually reversed ! :bleh: (for me anyways)
I don't get it, if your net is so slow, how do you manage to download torrents? You would have to wait months before a torrent completes. Mafia II does not require an active connection to play. I will try offline mode of Mafia II, lets see..

And yes, if you can afford it, always get legit versions, lot less of a hassle.
BF1983 said:
Well I did as you suggested and bought the legit version. :)

It was the biggest mistake I made. My internet connection is giving me more trouble than lately and it kills me that I cannot play the game because Steam wont allow me.

Anyways I have learned my lesson. Always stick with *Ahem* versions of Steam games. Will buy original version of non steam games. If game developers decide to use Steam then I dont wish to support them and buy the game legally.

I wish the game developers would offer a non Steam version of the game for a higher price. I would pay 900 bucks for Mafia II if there was a non steam version.

I bought the game 7 days ago but I was able to play it for only 1 day. My internet connection is slow but it allows me to visit TE and other websites. But as we speak I simply cannot logon to Steam and hence I cannot play an offline game.

I still remember the time I switched to original games because *ahem* games were too much of a hassle. Now the roles are actually reversed ! :bleh: (for me anyways)

You do realize that steam has an offline mode that lets you play the games in it without an internet????

Next time do a little more research before jumping the gun and spouting nonsense.
Completed till chapter 10, I barely played 5hrs of this, am on already onto 11th chapter. Another couple of hours and it's the end. Wish the game was more lengthier.
Alias said:
You do realize that steam has an offline mode that lets you play the games in it without an internet????
Maybe he doesn't which is why the agony! Why so serious?

Brendon, there IS an option to play the games downloaded via Steam to be played offline. Refer the link joy1 has posted. :)

OT: We never heard back from you w.r.t the Asus router you were planning to buy. Please post your feedback in the other thread.
joy1 said:
Don't post crap w/o knowing anything.If u don't wanna support devs , fine go ahead and pirate as u always do.

You don't need internet to play Mafia 2 , you can play the game very well in offline mode , there is a option in steam to do that. This is not like DRM which Ubisoft implemented in Assassins Creed 2.
Alias said:
You do realize that steam has an offline mode that lets you play the games in it without an internet????

Next time do a little more research before jumping the gun and spouting nonsense.
I dunno why you guys have responded in such a disparaging manner when I have not directed my tirade at any of you.

For your information, Offline mode works only for a day or two. You need to connect to steam online from time to time for it to allow you to play the game offline.

I have 8 steam games and Mafia II is the 9th so I am well acquainted with Steam for the past one year or so.

My internet connection was much better earlier so I never faced problems with Steam.

However for the past one month my internet connection has become pathetically slow and yesterday I tried 5 times to connect to Steam and it would time out every single time without allowing me to play Mafia II.

Look Steam may be a good piece of software for you guys who have a nice stable internet connection. For people like me who don't its freaking nightmare.

I didn't ask for any help on the matter but frankly I did not expect such disparaging remarks like this from anyone.

I leave my house at 8 am for work and I return at 9 pm or so. I am a casual gamer and I just wished to play an offline game (that I legally paid for) without any hassles. Is that too much to ask ?

I am well aware my internet connection sucks but I do not want to play Counterstrike or World of Warcraft online, just an offline game.

@joy1 - I take serious offense to your statement that I always play pirated games.

Lets state the facts why your statement is baseless and downright offensive -

a) If you read the first post on this page, you will see that I knew that buying the original Mafia II game would be problematic for me (because of the slow internet connection) but since I loved the original so much I wanted to support the developers so I went ahead anyways. (And arrived in this mess)

b) I already have 8 steam games. Mafia II is my ninth. So there itself goes your theory that I play only pirated games.

c) I stated that I wouldn't mind paying 900 bucks for Mafia II if it came without Steam.

I am facing problems with Steam games so why should I pay for having a frustrating experience ?

And just FYI, I have an unmodded Xbox 360 console for the last 3 years so I have bought only legal games for it.

jc36lect3r said:
I don't get it, if your net is so slow, how do you manage to download torrents? You would have to wait months before a torrent completes. Mafia II does not require an active connection to play. I will try offline mode of Mafia II, lets see..
And yes, if you can afford it, always get legit versions, lot less of a hassle.
You have a very valid question. And no I do not download torrents as it takes me 4 days just to download a 300 MB file. :(

I was referring to getting a pirated DVD.

I also agree with you about buying legit. I started working 3 years back so I make it a point to buy the original versions of each game I play.

But my bitter experience with Steam is putting me off from buying any more steam games. :@

I will however continue to buy original versions of non steam games. Waiting for Dragon Age Origins and Awakening to come out with Gold version or something. :)
Desecrator said:
Maybe he doesn't which is why the agony! Why so serious?

Naah, iv been using steam for a long time and hence a supporter of it coz of the advantages it offers! :) . Seems like i come across a lot of steam bashers these days who rant without knowing half the details. Hence my reaction. :)

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

BF1983 said:
I dunno why you guys have responded in such a disparaging manner when I have not directed my tirade at any of you.

For your information, Offline mode works only for a day or two. You need to connect to steam online from time to time for it to allow you to play the game offline.

^^ Replied above.

Offline mode works for a max of 30 days now i believe and definately not for just 1-2 days.

Next time, when starting steam disconnect your internet connection and try starting it. Would definately then go into the offline mode. You can then connect your internet and it would remain in offline mode while you have internet connection.
BF1983 said:
You have a very valid question. And no I do not download torrents as it takes me 4 days just to download a 300 MB file. :(

I was referring to getting a pirated DVD.

I also agree with you about buying legit. I started working 3 years back so I make it a point to buy the original versions of each game I play.

But my bitter experience with Steam is putting me off from buying any more steam games. :@

I will however continue to buy original versions of non steam games. Waiting for Dragon Age Origins and Awakening to come out with Gold version or something. :)
You remind of my days when CS Anthology was released. I wanted to play Condition Zero with bots and was very angry when I saw "Requires Internet Connection" in the box. What a PITA. But this is how it is nowadays, and there are even talks of moving to full time digital distribution in the near future. Yours is a one-off case, stable internet is taken for granted almost everywhere nowadays :)

Don't hate Steam bro, it is the one thing that has shifted me away from piracy and towards legit copies. If it were not for Steam, PC Gaming would have been in big trouble by now.

Have some patience, try to connect to Steam and launch Mafia II. Once it has been launched, it's offline mode should be enabled for subsequent launches.

You could delete clientregistry.blob in steam directory, and try launching Steam again. This usually fix long delays while connecting to your account.
^^ Hey thanks for the tip. Will try it out and post back if it works.

Yesterday was a particularly bad day and I really wanted to unwind by playing Mafia II. And when I couldn't make steam work but still access TE, I decided to let all my anger out ! :P

@Alias - I dunno dude, offline mode just goes away pretty often. Few days back I logged on to Steam with some difficulty and then after 10 secs it said my credentials had timed out and I needed to relogin ?

Also I had to patch the friggin game to play the first time. It was a 120 MB patch and I kept my PC on the whole night to try and download the patch for 3 days running but I found out that it had somehow timed out after downloading anywhere between 30 MB - 80 MB and when I tried to restart it, it had to start right from the beginning. :(

jc36lect3r's - Yes, I know my Internet connection sucks but its free so I keep it. :)

But yeah it kinda scares me how we no longer own the games we buy and we have to 'rent' it out from game developers (but still play the same price as owning a game !). Thats why I like my Xbox 360. Each game I buy allows me to sell it off after I play it or if I do not like it.

In future we will be stuck with a game even if we dont like it.

@Gannu - Yeah man, got the router + receiver on Saturday. Was working for 2 days which enabled me to install the patch and start the game but stopped working yesterday and I couldn't get it to work somehow. :S

Will update the thread when I get back home and can post some details. :)
@Bf 1983 , Sorry if my comments felt harsh for you , its just that you were posting wrong info and pretty much encouraging piracy for other who are reading.

There is a big misconception about Steam specially among Indian gamers , but reality is it is a kick-ass app and makes PC gaming very hassle free , you can play games w/o inserting DVd's every single time , its the biggest advantage for me plus u can download your bought game infinite times from anywhere in the world.

I have lost keys for games like Call of Duty 2 etc. w/o which I can't play online anymore if I wanted to.

As Alias mentioned , the offline mode works very well and I have finished Mafia 2 twice since Aug and always played it in offline mode once activating the key for the first time.

Its a pity that your internet connection is so slow , internet has become very cheap nowadays, even a 512kbps unlimited connection costs well below 600 bucks pm. , u should go for that I guess and u won't have any worries after that :)

I have seen guys pirating games like GTA4 and Mafia 2 even though they cost just 499 , I mean how cheap do they want it to be , 1 Re. :rofl:

Sorry once again mate , my comments meant no harm.
^^ My first encounter with the Steam really was bad. I bought Half Life Anthology. After installation I tried to connect to Steam, the server was unavailable. Next day when the server was available I had to update my steam client. Then, after entering the CD key, the whole game started to download. I had to figure out how to update just the game. Then again next day it asked me to connect again, server unavailable so coudn't play. Since I have a limited usage internet connection due to confusion I ended up overusing my account who cost me an extra 100Rs.

I had no problems thereafter but the thing is Steam is really confusing for the first timers.
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