Magazine subscription

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I am a computer enthusiast and interested in subscribing to one magazine. I do not play games nor do I want to begin doing so now.
I have been considering the choice between Digit and Chip.
Can our TE members advise which is the better magazine?
If each of them has its pros and cons, please help by listing them out.
Is there some other magazine I should consider instead?
Content Wise Chip is wayyyyy better then Digit ! Digit Has more ads and Less Content :| whereas with Chip its the Vice-versa ! Infact Chip was the First Orignal Tech Magzine Launched in India ( I Think ) ! Also Digit is 25 Bucks costlier then Chip !

But Digit comes with the Fast Track Mini Booklet ! And That alone makes a Huge Huge difference ! The Fast Track Booklet is soooo Good and usefull that I will buy a Digit Just to get my Hands on it ! Seriously before Fast Track was Launched , chip was the way to go for me but Now as Much as I Hate it, I Have to Buy Digit each Month Just to get my Hands on the Fast Track ! Plus the digit DVD is also a Tad better then Chip !

So Overall I Think I will advice u to go with Digit just becoz of the Fast Track Booklet ! But Yeah the content of the main Magzine is Better in Chip ! :) so the Choice is Yours ! :)
Also,what i dont like about digit is,how each and evry month they have 'future predictions/convergance/etc" stuff.Chip has more usefull and relavent stuff.
i've heard theres sm issues with chip's subscription service

regarding timely arrival of mags. etc. i hope those issues are solved now.

else its better to get frm newsstands.
if u have a broadband connection (slow non-time bound connection is what we call broadband in India)....and dont have large bottled spectacles.... then I think reading online tech sites....and discussing at TechEnclave is a better execise to make urself a better techie... Though mayb its just my view!!
I would suggest dont subscribe. Go to the newspaper stand and pick up one of them every month. Though it wont save u some money but it will get u the best of the two.

Digits DVDs are mostly full of crap. U buy a month and then u let go it next month coz most of the content is repeated and their free movies suck big time. I mean who buys comp. mag for old movies ?
Kumar said:
Also,what i dont like about digit is,how each and evry month they have 'future predictions/convergance/etc" stuff.Chip has more usefull and relavent stuff.

Totally agree with you.
I am not the type to have brand loyalty. I guess I will go with Josh's idea. This will also enable me to buy only when I have the time to read which is not so frequent with my very busy schedule.

Thanks to all of you who took the time to answer.

Will I miss out on any freebies or goodies if I buy from the newsstand instead of subscribing?
i would recommend PC world to i find it good in contents and also the dual layer dvd is very good...with loads of freeware..and necessary updates/utilities...

ALso the PC world to some extents matches with its international standards...these all are my is your choice...also look out for .the pc world october mega-issue if u are in for a electronics spree...
Ok so each month I am going to scan all three (Chip, Digit and PCWorld India) and pick what I like for that month.

Thanks guys for all the inputs.
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