Major EPFO [Provident Fund] query

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Today I just logged into my PF account to add nominee (never felt the need but the thought simply clicked my mind to add nominees for all my a/cs banks/policies etc.)

But was greeted with this error:


Then went in Service history option and this:


Detailed view shows this:


Just fyi for my last co. I worked ( No. 2 here) I had already withdrawn all the pf amount back then in 2k18.
And now my current co. has their own internal pf thing (its an mnc)

So not sure how to proceed about the updation or missing info. (not sure if its related to update or any missing info.)

Anyone ever faced this issue or has any knowledge on this kindly let me know how this can be corrected.
1) in your first job confirm you had withdrawn EPFO ?
2) Are you able to see your last book account and details of the defunct account.
3) As per you Presently your MNC is not using EPFO service therefore it will show as you DONT have a current EPFO account
4) You will have to update Nominee on your MNC run PF account with your HR not on the Govt run EPFO account
5) Your govt EPFO account is gone dormant now
6) whenever you change jobs and if and new employer uses govt EPFO then you can update on the Govt EPFO site
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