Major League Baseball 2K9

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Huge fan of sports games.

This game got released last week. And for the first time for "Windows".

Kinda complicated with Keyboard as too many variables are to be handled, but i suppose would be neat to play with controller.

Graphics and Gameplay are quite decent..

Anyone checked it out ?

Here are some of its links :

2K Sports

Any other nice Baseball games (without complicated controls) ?
This game sucks. The controls are super shitty. Even with a 360 controller it's tough to hit a decent shot. Zero tutorial effort. I was able to pull off one home run by fluke & that was about it. They could have made it a lot simpler but instead 2k had to screw this up. Deleted the game instantly. What a waste.
And i thought i was performing badly... :|

Althought my pitching improved a lot.. Hitting still sucks..Though I manage to hit 5-6 home runs in a match, but thats about it..
No decent placement shots.. No RBIs

There are just too many things to take into account and keyboard is too confusing..

Graphics were decent as i mentioned..

Anyways any other worthy Baseball games ?
I was pretty good with the pitching too. But batting sucked big time. The tutorial wouldn't even let us know how to time a shot. When I would use the Right Analog stick & 'X', it would just hit a close range shot. There seems to be no variation at all. It just requires rock steady timing. I was hoping it would be much easier than this. It's been a very long time since I played a decent Baseball game. Used to enjoy that stuff back in the Nintendo days. I'll check out some recent titles & let you know if they are any good.
A pretty good game, must say, but since i do not prefer sports games much may not play it more, i remember I had another base ball game, but don't remember the name, will check if i have the game somewhere....
used to play ea baseball games on my geforce 2 card....luvv them..thanx for remeinding...will get the game....ea one that is..
Lol that was the first game that i played on my first PC :D

Indeed it was easy. While Pitching there use to be 9 squares which used to signify the plate position.

Anyways, i haven't unistalled 2K9 as of yet, Thinking of playing for some more time.. Let see if I am able to consistently hit HRs.. Other than that there is not much hope in batting..
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