Make Lockers Compulsory In School

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Did it. I have seen my son suffering due to the load of the bag on his tiny shoulders. When I suggested the principal regarding providing lockers she was non-committal
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I believe they carry, almost all books and their class notes, home work notes and all sundry. For a class VII student, last time I checked it was around 22 pieces. I talked to principal and she says that it is the parents who are to be blamed. As per her they(school) wanted to reduce homework etc. until class V to zero. Students need not have to carry their home work notes etc. to class and home(homework notes and workbooks constitute around 60 percent) which will be deposited with the corresponding subject teacher and he/she will manage those. After implementing this rule the parents started complaining how their children are going to loose out to competition without the workload that other schools are providing. So the school committee decided to dilute the implementation of that rule.
Why do they carry all textbooks or workbooks? I believe only few subjects are taught everyday, probably around 4-5. So at max 5 homework books and 5 subject text books plus one common book to take notes. Plus lunch box.
Don't parents check their kids curriculum/ dairy everyday?
What's the use of carrying extra notes that kids won't be using that day? Take it up with PTA.
I remember we had teachers who told us to carry books of their subjects during 9th and 10th, so they could use any free period that may or may not be available.
^Only if you were in boarding or day boarding school. I don't think lockers are common in Indian schools and there might be very few schools apart from the Boarding/Day-boarding schools which provide lockers.
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Thanks everyone for the support. As per the site, once i get enough signs on the petition. They ll themselves get in touch with CBSE.
+1. Ask teachers, principal and management... will they carry 25 kg bag ( by same proportion) "everyday" ???
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