Guide make yousendit link work the smart way

1. Go to and upload your files.

2. Wait until the upload finishes and you get your link - for example:
3. The 's48' is the File Folder and the '1J6Y4NX4VJZHW0BO8T69ZZMZY1' is your File ID

4. Now go to:

5. Write in the first field your File Folder ( s28 ) and in the second, your File ID (1J6Y4NX4VJZHW0BO8T69ZZMZY1)
(Ignore the *Russian, this ain't a language test)

6. Press Enter, then you'll get a new link, like

Post your new link and people can download from it, and no-one can delete the file.

There was a hak earlier but this is better as it protects the actual link and also removes the number of downloads from link

What this won't Do
Well no matter what you do, the link will die after 7 days cos yousendit does not host any file for a longer period then that. Anyway yousend it does not have the file size limit and rest of restrictions like rapidshare so use this if you want to and it suits your requirements.
But in Megaupload, youi have to have a premium account to be able to downlod stuff greater than 300mb (or something), plus they've been having downtimes for the past 3 weeks..