LOL.. What is so special about this that it has to be portrayed as some high and mighty MIT project? You are basically just using your body to close a circuit. I have done this myself when was in 4th or 5th standard. Maybe I should have gone for a patent.
I took apart a small Rs 100 Chinese electronic piano that we used to have and then made some connections from the keys to each of my friends and the ground to myself. Whenever I touch them a correspoinding tune would play. It would also work with various vegetables or fruits as contact.
I have also done this with a 8 bit Nintendo console clone game pad as well. Just draw out leads from each of the key contacts and then use it them to connect through various things. When ever circuit is completed, it will perform the corresponding action.
I don' think this is something that needs to be bought, you can do it yourself with an old keyboard, mouse or game pad.